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Union General Staff (2) parade ground tick tocks

Well enjoy the parade.Its probally the reason th e war took 5 years.Too many Chiefs not enough teh way strelets get going on soem native american tribes be awesome.

... the Rebels had something to do with it

Story goes that after the war a group of know it alls were expounding in front of General Pickett their theories about why the Confederates failed to win at Gettysburg. After they'd talked about how this or that person had messed up, someone thought to ask Pickett. His response was that he'd thought that the Yankees had something to do with it.

SOOOO Hank, in response to your comment about it taking five years....

Re: ... the Rebels had something to do with it

I've only posted on this web-site a couple of
months, but I've been surprised a couple of times
at how angry people get over the subject of miniatures.

Re: Re: ... the Rebels had something to do with it

of course the yankees are boring. painted, unpainted, doesn't matter. they lack the dash and cavalier style and elan of their confederate counterparts. when you were a kid playing civil war games, which would you rather have been, a dashing gentleman from Virginia, or some clodhopper from Maine?

Re: Re: Re: ... the Rebels had something to do with it

Dear Everyone,

The whole point of my rant here is, I can be positive, or I can be negative. Truth is, negative is easy. Positive takes a little time and reflection before posting.

When the positive doesn't get any support, and the responses are negative, then I can get negative too.

Is that OK? But not against one of the best 1/72 scale manufacterors in the world. The S*R Team has done a superb job giving it's customers the sets they request. It's like someone recently said, "if you don't like it, don't buy it." I'll be buying the ACW sets.

The 2 Union and 1 Confederate Staff sets are the best ever done in this scale. Overall, not nit-picking on one funny little pose here and there, overall, the 3 sets beat the pants off any other companies sets in this scale ever done.

I ... want ... to ... see ... more ... ACW ... sets ... from ... the ... S*R Team.

I repeat, Great job S*R Team! I can't wait to buy your sets in the U.S.

Re: Re: Re: Re: ... the Rebels had something to do with it

just kidding, dave...i also am glad to see the mounted yank set. (but i'm really waiting for lew armistead with his hat on his sword, you know.) cheers!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ... the Rebels had something to do with it

Dear Madpenman,

I have to admit, you are correct about the dashing Confederates. Have you ever seen the movie with Charlton Heston and Richard Harris called "Major Dundee." Harris makes the perfect Southern Gentleman.

And I don't think it is any secret that Robert E. Lee was the most popular personality of the ACW. He was a great American by anybodies standards.

I'm not mad at anybody. You guys are all my best supporters. My idea of passionate support is maybe more like kerosine on fire. I know my opinion is not the final one. Of course, it would be nice if everyone would just agree with me

I like the ACW alot, just like I admire the French Foreign Legion, Franco-Prussian War, Early WWI etc. I simply love the kepi look regardless of Nationality.

Cheers everyone!

the English had something to do with it

Guess who was funding old Johnny Reb in return for cotton. Still vindictive from the AWI. This also kept America's military occupied and distracted from Africa.

zVEZDA is who you should be really clapping dave.

Re: the English had something to do with it

Hi Hank,

No doubt, Zvezda makes some amazing sets. The latest French Artillery has some of the finest poses I've seen. Still, I don't like the hard plastic they use. I know it is popular with wargamers, painters, converters, etc., but I prefer the feel of the S*R soft, posable plastic.

I'll make you a new bet. Since the Crimean Hussars came out without the pelisses, and I don't have to do a conversion set for you, if you really don't like the Union mounted Staff after you have them in your hands, I will buy you any other S*R set and mail it to you. Computer scans do nothing to promote a sets details. I think you'll like the figurines once you can see the details in person. If not, you'll get a free set out of me to compensate you for your purchase.


Take care - Dave H.

the English had something to do with it

Hi Dave,
Well that was a bit of fun.No sweat . I dont have an ACW collection,just Crimean War 20mm and ECW 20mm. I donated my entire 20mm WW2 to a San Francisco Wargame Group many tanks afv's and figures and also my 15mm ACW Fire and Fury armies will be on its way to a group in oregon who will use them.

Bill put the thread laterly into good perspective.

Re: the English had something to do with it

Hank-We could argue endlessly about the effects of the Confederacy's cotton embargo, the rise of alternative areas of cotton production, direct and indirect contributions of various Eurporean states to the war efforts of both sides, etc. I am certain that about all we would accomplish would be to bore most of the other forum members to tears.

If certain economic interests in Britain and France, with the connivance of persons in the British and French governments had not provided material assistance to the Confederacy, it is likely that the conventional war would have ended sooner. On the other hand, if no European material or financial assistance had been extended to the USA, the war might have gone on longer, and even ended with a different result.

the English had something to do with it

Hi Bill,Total agreeance hence keeping it to a minimum.Wonder what would have happened if ..........