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Re: Lookin' forward to them Russian hussars

For those interested in the realistic appearance, look here:

excellent information there, imho.

Minuteman, yes the discussion is and will be an endless one. If people don't care about the realistic look, that's fine, I suppose nobody here has a completely "realistic" army and most will have exchanged their realistic Esci Guard lancers for the Zvezda parade style figures once this set hit the market, just because they were such fine models.
The discussion resembles the one regarding missing bayonets. Look at it this way: Many people will ignore the realistic part, just say that the models look great and buy them anyway. Which is great. But a company that adopts this view also ignores the by no means small group of customers who care about a realistic look. And while as a company you can't please everybody, you should try to please as many customers as possible. Those buyers who don't care about missing fixed bayonets probably won't mind if the bayonets are there and those who don't care whether a pelisse is absent, worn or hanging over the shoulder, probably also won't complain if the feature is correct. Imagine how many more boxes Waterloo 1815 might have sold of their Prussian Hussars if they had depicted them in the correct fashion (with shako covers, pelisse worn as a jacket). So the best way to please as many potential buyers as possible is to avoid gross mistakes and make pleasant sculpts, at least that's what I think.

Re: Lookin' forward to them Russian hussars

Flambeau you pretty much sum up my thoughts too. I like figures to be as correct as is possible at this scale, and with the information available.

I am starting to wonder if the sets are being rushed now to meet demand. Hence the rise is mistakes.

Due to the lack of many poses with sabres drawn ready, the lancer element here was what appealed to me the most, so the pelisse thing is not great but based on recent other mistakes, not suprising.

It strikes me as more of a "at ease" type set than standing in reserve when I really think about it.
If they were in a position as to be able to relax to such an extent, would many of them be mounted at all? Anyone who has spent any time in a saddle will tell you that after being in one for a good number of hours, you are happy to hop off....especially if you are a man! 😉😂....and thats in modern saddles!!
So if these guys are far enough away from seeing action that they can relax this much, I think they would want to dismount.

Im hoping for more battle ready, yet still stationary cavalry sets. Figures with sabres drawn, awaiting an order to move forward or charge. With the majority of poses doing exactly this, so someone can make up a large formation without a load of wastage, and not an expensive job of buying tons of boxes just to get the poses they need. Boxes with 12 Men in would be limiting if many of the poses are going to be either drinking, smoking or fiddling with carbines. Leave the carbine fiddlers for cavalry sets either "on patrol" or on "picket duty"!!

I honestly didnt know about the pelisse thing until you mentioned it Flambeau, so thanks for that useful info.

Re: Lookin' forward to them Russian hussars

Just some eyecandy:

If you're interested in the realistic stuff try to look for pictures by Johann Adam Klein who portrayed Russian and Austrian troops (plus some others) passing through Bavaria between 1813 and 1815.

Re: Lookin' forward to them Russian hussars

Just some eyecandy:

If you're interested in the realistic stuff try to look for pictures by Johann Adam Klein who portrayed Russian and Austrian troops (plus some others) passing through Bavaria between 1813 and 1815.

Thank you Flambeau. All good and considered points, and also some very useful references.

Whilst the pictures of Napoleonic (and other) troops painted 'on the spot' by a contemporary artist sometimes lack the artistry and dramatic effect of, say, a very good Osprey picture (and I take it that not all Osprey artwork is good or even acceptable), these artists were there and saw uniforms and troops with their own eyes. These are therefore the best visual descriptors we have of Napoleonic troops. Combined with the few remaining items of uniform, helmets and weapons, we can piece together a realistic view from these.

Re: Lookin' forward to them Russian hussars

What a wonderful artist J.A Klein was!! Thanks for that Flambeau!

Theres me intending to look at the Napoleonic stuff you recommended, and I end up enjoying looking at his work on country/farming life!!!!
Wonderfully talented artist.

Re: Lookin' forward to them Russian hussars

You're welcome. It's always nice to discover some new artist or book and as much as I like it if someone points out something new and enjoyable to me, it's also nice to see that from time to time I can return the favour.

If you're interested in his military stuff look here:

Unfortunately the folders with Austrian uniform plates seem to be out of stock with this publisher, but the Russians are still available.

You might also be interested in this guy: Wilhelm von Kobell, his works are somewhat easier to find on the web

I suppose you know the work of Albrecht Adam because of his drawings from the campaign of 1812, but his non military stuff is also worth more than a casual look. Have fun!

Re: Lookin' forward to them Russian hussars

Thanks, great additions! And what do we see: Absolutely everybody - with the exception of aclone commanding officer - either has no pelisse or is wearing it arms in sleeves ... Not so hard to find ... sigh ...

Re: Lookin' forward to them Russian hussars

Your right, with the internet its not difficult to have a good look around and find information. Yesterday it took me all of maybe 5 minutes using google to find that info about the lancers not having pelisses slung over shoulders. Think it was the 1st link.

Well as ive mentioned before with other sets.
Its either a case of someone not doing any proper research, the sculptor isnt following enough research and/or doing their own artistic interpretations, or things are being rushed.
Maybe even a combination of all 3.
Either way it lets down otherwise wonderful sculpting.

I know some say we should just be greatful that Strelets made a particular set, but such issues can be the difference in a good many of us not buying that many boxes, if any at all, to if properly done, buying a good many boxes.

Re: Lookin' forward to them Russian hussars

Well, I suppose ignorance can be a blessing ... the more we know, the more critical we get. Doesn't make life easier ... :wink:

Re: Lookin' forward to them Russian hussars

Very true!!