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July 3rd 2003
04:44:15 AM
Your Name?  

Lloyd ATE

How old are you?  


Where do you live?  

Worcester, UK

How did you find Playboi?  

Gods of music

Rate Playboi's Music  

urm, 0

Web Site Description  

Bastardized necro blastmindcore, not for you townies.

Got something you wanna say?  

Hey, found this review of your music on, i like it. So just for you fans of him, here it is:


Ok, lets start by saying who playboi is a one man act who produces "Slamming ghetto assed booty chicago house" or as most other people like to call it "utter shite".

Im just gonna lay down the background info you should all know before i review the song honestly.

1- This artist earns about $50 a day

2- This artist has been in the top 5 in House genre before

3- This artist has over 1000 plays everyday.

and heres the punch line

4- The music this artist "produces" is not his own. Or rather, it is arranged by him but none of the elements within it are his own.

5-Every track is produced on Music 2000, an instant music package which consists of a tracker, riff editor and sample browser.

You can make your own tunes with this program by using the hundreds of one-note samples supplied. But you can also simply take the ready made tunes and shove them onto the tracker and say "Hey look ignorant fool who hear my music, ive just made a hard house anthem!"

OK, now that you all know that this artist isn't an artist at all, more of a con-man infact, i can start talking about this particular "song".

It starts off imediately with the give away music 2000 sample "you haven't lost your touch" (with noise in between) which doesnt begin the track particularly well and sounds very dry and flat. We are then hauled straight into a series of ready made tune and percussion samples accompanied by a howling house style female vocal which is there throughout the track. The tunes and chord progression used are not very original but then again, maybe i should be blaming the makers of the riffs in the first place not the "artist" for that as he did not influence them at all. However, the one thing that has been actually performed by Playboi is the a

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March 7th 2003
05:56:30 PM
Your Name?  

O G Mulé

How old are you?  


Where do you live?  


How did you find Playboi?  

punked him in high school

Rate Playboi's Music  

creamed on myself when i heard it

Web Site Description  

ok but matt krunk's is better

Got something you wanna say?  

i want to vomit in a glass and drink it back up!


February 15th 2003
10:01:25 PM
Your Name?  


How old are you?  


Where do you live?  


How did you find Playboi?  

in high scool

Rate Playboi's Music  

i give it 9 out of 10 bonner sandwiches

Got something you wanna say?  

playboi is so cute. when i first saw his page i knew it was love at first sight. now i log on and stare at his picture for several hours a day. ive started up a playboi fan club and we are up to 3 people now, myself(president), my mom, and my cat(skooter). i hope he continues to lay phat tracks.


December 22nd 2002
11:03:00 AM
Your Name?  

Jenny A.K.A. Ladee_Gemini

How old are you?  


Where do you live?  


How did you find Playboi?  

Long ass time ago, when I was cheking out more artists in Kenner.

Rate Playboi's Music  

Off the charts!!!

Got something you wanna say?  

Your music is really bad ass. Keep up the good work.

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November 24th 2002
12:28:29 AM
Your Name?  

DJ - My Pussy smells real bad!

How old are you?  


Where do you live?  


How did you find Playboi?  

tripped, fell, looked up, and there it was.

Rate Playboi's Music  


Web Site Description  

Oh my God, your music sets my nipples to stand-by. Pleasure me Playboi! CALL PLAYBOI NOW!!!! (504) 388 - ****

Got something you wanna say?  

I'm horny, horny! horny! horny!

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June 14th 2002
10:42:26 AM
Your Name?  

PoRno KiDdiE //[aka] TrAsHiE

How old are you?  


Where do you live?  


How did you find Playboi?  

two summers ago i think, searching around on here

Rate Playboi's Music  

on a scale of 1-200, I give a 300

Got something you wanna say?  

this stuff is the best, EVER. I've heard Happy Hardcore, house, techno, rave, whatever - nothing compares to your mixes and beats. It sorta puts me in this state of mind, like where once you start dancing, you're sucked into the music deeper and deeper as it progresses. It's hard to explain but it's so awesome. The beats get louder and faster, and you're right there with the music. nothing can describe what your music does to me. keep it up. x0x <3

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April 16th 2002
12:00:28 PM
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Where do you live?  


Web Site Description  


Got something you wanna say?  

(no comment)

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April 9th 2002
11:12:16 AM
Your Name?  

lena the great

How old are you?  


Where do you live?  

@my boyfriends house

How did you find Playboi?  

he im me!

Rate Playboi's Music  

from a scale of 1-10, i give him an 11

Got something you wanna say?  

nice job, very impressive!

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April 8th 2002
12:04:08 AM
Your Name?  


How old are you?  


Where do you live?  


How did you find Playboi?  

I dont remember how the hell I found him.

Rate Playboi's Music  

I'd rate you a 6 out of 10

Got something you wanna say?  

Some of the songs have some pretty tight beats, but some of them arent that great. I can't say much though because I can't do much better. Also....for "check it", you used MTV's Muisc Generator am I not right? I'm just saying since I myself played with it for a while before.

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February 19th 2002
04:25:42 AM
Your Name?  

Tyrone J. White

How old are you?  


Where do you live?  


How did you find Playboi?  

on my local newstand, er........i mean

Rate Playboi's Music  

Very pro white! :(

Web Site Description  

This music is not black enough fo me.

Got something you wanna say?  

I want more uses of the words "bitch" "ho" "hoe" "slut" "punch dat bitch" "slangin' rocks" and so on.

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