[T.s.I.d.] Counter Strike Forum

Discuss the [T.s.I.d.], ask us questions, just talk about anything C.S. related! If you would like to try out for our clan post a message and we'll try to schedule a tryout. This forum will be monitored by Sirius Bane. Have Fun!

[T.s.I.d.] Counter Strike Forum
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Afterhours - Discografia - by tareccom - Jan 24, 2016 7:07pm
BitTorrent Multi-Search engine? - by Joe - Apr 19, 2006 1:14am
Letters of song - by Los Calaveras - Jul 1, 2004 6:41am
Really Funny Simpsons Parody!!! - by The Simpsons - Apr 1, 2004 1:29am
MZLAN Tournament - by MZLAN - Sep 25, 2003 2:37am
Tryouts - by Sirius Bane - Jul 31, 2003 5:56pm
??????? - by James - Mar 15, 2001 7:12pm
Re: ??????? - by Sirius Bane - Jul 26, 2003 2:02pm
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