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Re: Hello - Any S*R Team Fans on this Forum?

It does seem to me that Stelets is a good
deal more responsive to fan input than other companies
are, and I applaud them for it. I've wondered about
sets that Imex has listed FOR YEARS, and has never
given us a further word about them. It's certainly
rewarding to get some feed back from manufacturers.
Not that I expect Strelets to base their operations
solely on what we want - they are a business and have
the right to watch out for their bottom line just like
everyone else - but it is good to know we are listened

Re: Re: Hello - Any S*R Team Fans on this Forum?

I'm perfectly happy with one or two sets regarding each theme coming out every three months. That is still 2, or 4, or 6, or 8 new sets a year. Plenty for me and my budget.

I look forward to 2007 being another great year, just like 2006 and 2005 were.

Thanks S*R Team for the new and original sets you have given us, especially Crimean and Boer War sets!