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Re: WSS Rules

Dear Asher,

I like 'Twilight of the Sun King' from the Pike and Shot society for a stylised, brigade scale game, 'GåPå' for more detail and direct simulation and Polemos 'Great Northern War' from Baccus 6 mm for something in-between.. My interest is in the northern and eastern conflicts of the early 18th C (and late 17th C), but these rules also include the War of Spanish Succession (Polemos 'Chosen Men, Well Disposed' and 'Obstinate And Bloody Battle' for the War of Spanish Succession).

Kind regards,


Re: WSS Rules

Thank you all for the suggestions! They definitely helped. After reading up on it GåPå sounds really interesting to try, but definitely more geared towards the GNW. I think I’ll give Beneath the Lily Banners and Twilight of the Sun King a go first.

Re: WSS Rules

‘No Peace Without Spain’ is reportedly a good game of the period, but it’s pricey on eBay and a boardgame. I don’t know if it can be easily adapted to miniatures play but I do know many gamers and clubs have converted a lot of games from other periods to use with miniatures. Just helping list another possibility.

Re: WSS Rules

You could try Blackpowder.