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Re: Grenadiers a Cheval du Roi

Wonderful figures, I just hope mine come a quarter of the way to looking as good

Re: Grenadiers a Cheval du Roi

A fine paint job on these fine figures, well done!

I assume that the bare flag pole is left without the flag for a purpose (wargames unit/marker?). The flag carried by the Grenadiers a Cheval changed little during the C18th, and is shown on the excellent Kronoskaf site at:

The same site shows a drummer of the Grenadiers in a predominantly blue coat with lace, circa 1724. Musicians' uniforms of this early C18th period are notoriously difficult to research, and so a little artistic licence is perfectly acceptable in my book. The drummer in this group looks particularly well done.

Re: Grenadiers a Cheval du Roi

Merci pour les compliments ,
pour eclaircir tout ça ,
d'abord je sous couche en noir donc je surligne tres peu en noir
concernant le drapeaux j'attend de le trouver !
merci encore
signé Graillou alias Pascal
PS: Je ne suis pas sur facebook ou twitter et ne suis pas non plus Pascal Chevolleau

Re: Grenadiers a Cheval du Roi

Great painting, very good basing and the photography spot on. It allowed us to see how good the figures are, thank you.

Re: Grenadiers a Cheval du Roi

James Fisher
Dear Graillou,

That's a fine, fine wargaming piece. Such marvellous painting of the lines and shading. Simply gorgeous.

Regards, James
I think the same things...bravo !!

Re: Grenadiers a Cheval du Roi

Such high quality painting on show with these. Well done!