Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace / Goldentown Forum

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Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace / Goldentown Forum
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Thanks . . . . . and a few more from Susan Marie's place

Thank you Bill.

Thanks again to Susan Marie for the great hospitality.

A few pics from our visit to her lovely chateau.

Below, "Hey, who are you guyz???!!!" We see Joy for the first time and vice versa.

Below, Susan Marie coaxes the epileptic Morgan through a seizure. Morgan would stagger, retreat a bit and wince as each episode came on but some talking and some treats would help. Heartbreaking but heartwarming at the same time to see she's landed with someone willing to take care of her significant issues.

Here is Joy:

below is Aaron

Below is all the gang, including Rose, a ball of dynamite that I never got a picture of because she was moving too fast

Some other California pics are at if anyone is interested. Lots of pics of Carol and myself just for Bill. And other things. I'll be adding more California things tonight to fill it out.

Rick C

Re: Thanks . . . . . and a few more from Susan Marie's place

Thanks for sharing the pictures. I'll have to get my own post going about the terrible twos, now that Sophie has seemed to reach that stage.

It looks like you all had a great time, except maybe Abby and Keeper.



Re: Thanks . . . . . and a few more from Susan Marie's place

Rick, it's great that you and Carol made the long journey to visit with Susan Marie. Love the photo of JOY's nose scoping you out! BTW, it's Erin (girl), not Aaron (definite boy's name) and since you met her, you'll know that Erin's fave color is pink and fave activity is playing dress-up I just took a gander through your latest photos....all are spectacular!

Re: Re: Thanks . . . . . and a few more from Susan Marie's place

Yeah, Carol just set me straight on Aaron/Erin . . . I'm a dope with names but that should have been obvious.

Here's another one of Morgan though!!!

Rick C