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Re: New Strelets Sets for WWI question to Strelets

Dear Arlin,

quite frankly, Camerone adventure will be a deviation for us from those subjects that we're working on at the moment.

Best regards,


Re: New Strelets Sets for WWI question to Strelets

Okay, well I guess that is it then. The Mexican Adverture/Camerone will never be made before I die. You were the last manufacturer who might have made them, everyone else said 'No'. Oh, if only Napoleonic French, or Romans, or Nazi Germans had fought there, then we would already have a hundred sets of them!

Re: New Strelets Sets for WWI question to Strelets

Dear Arlin,

you shouldn't take it too close to your hart, just have a look at annual production figures on PSR site. With about 150 sets/year one can expect anything these days. For us, manufaturors, that means that every single set is produced with much reduced production run, some are happy with less than 1000 boxes releases. In a situation like that any remote or otherwise forgotten conflict can become an object of another set. Besides, we hope, you aren't going to pass away before seen the Cameron adventure in plastic ?

Best regards,


Re: New Strelets Sets for WWI

Freshly announced sets are:
M055 - German Stormtroopers
M056 - British Infantry in Gasmasks
M057 - French Infantry in Gasmasks
M058 - Russian Infantry in Gasmasks
M059 - Austro-Hungarian Infantry in Gasmasks
M060 - German Infantry in Gasmasks

The production of WW1 products is a bit like the 'curates egg'. There are some great piece also some real rubbish.

Pity that Revells only made 2 sets and re-release of the German WW1 set was ruined with excessive amount of flash.(I will Not even bother to comment on the defunct French)

I am not sure the role of Caesar as they stopped after the German WW1 storm trooper set and seem to be concentrating on the predictable WW2 choices!

Emhar at one stage was the main WW1 producer - they are still the only ones producing 1/72 tanks (except HaTs FT17s) but unfortunately such models like mkIV MALE seem now to be unavailable. Their output is so unpredictable.

What is encouraging is that Strelets along with HaT are transforming the modelling of WW1 which was only a side issue only a few years ago.

It is always appreciated when a company like Strelets listen to requests. Gas was a feature almost unique to the Great War and fortunately it has not been used on the large scale since.

Thank you for looking at the forum and taking on board ideas when suitable.

It is understandable that you cannot provide what everyone want ie 'Scottish kilted Infantry in Gasmasks' would be a great choice for me but I doubt that there is much of a future for this idea!

However one of the icon pictures of the great war is a vickers crew wearing early gas masks - that would be a great addition!

Re: New Strelets Sets for WWI

Dear RCD,

thank you for your message.
The idea about making WWI subjects in gas masks first came to us long ago when we saw Fujimi WWII German Infantry in gas masks. Now it's close to being realised in some scope. One can never be sure what will sell well before you try, that's why despite no requests about Austro-Hungarians were ever made we still decided to make this more obscure subject. Actually we thought about Scots as well, so that still can be an option in future. Possibly this period is not that glamorous as some other ones but by doing these sets we can pay our tribute to those who fought in it. Russian army faced apart from Germans and Austro-Hungarians several other nations and we hopefully will eventually depict all of them even if they weren't that well promoted by Hollywood or other movie makers.

Best regards,


Re: New Strelets Sets for WWI

Dear RCD,

thank you for your message.
The idea about making WWI subjects in gas masks first came to us long ago when we saw Fujimi WWII German Infantry in gas masks. Now it's close to being realised in some scope. One can never be sure what will sell well before you try, that's why despite no requests about Austro-Hungarians were ever made we still decided to make this more obscure subject. Actually we thought about Scots as well, so that still can be an option in future. Possibly this period is not that glamorous as some other ones but by doing these sets we can pay our tribute to those who fought in it. Russian army faced apart from Germans and Austro-Hungarians several other nations and we hopefully will eventually depict all of them even if they weren't that well promoted by Hollywood or other movie makers.

Best regards,


Thanks for you very prompt reply. Clearly 'customer service' is taken seriously rather than just lip service! Nice to know that that your company does recognise the role of the Scots (including the Canadians)!
More WW1 Eastern front subjects would be great because I am sure that I am not the only one whose knowledge on this area is limited.

You are to be commended in taking a gamble and trying to be orginal - rather than like many of the leading players,that play it finicially safe and do just WW2 eastern front.

Re: New Strelets Sets for WWI

Strelets, I am looking forward to seeing these new sets; I think they are great ideas for figures. And it is very nice to see that the British have not been forgotten again.

I wonder if there might be some extra heads in the sets so they can be used to convert some of the older sets made by other manufacturers?

And, finally, are the WW1 Cavalry sets on schedule for their October 2010 release?

Re: New Strelets Sets for WWI

Dear PDA,

British WWI cavalry is on schedule, we believe these are the sets that you're mainly expecting from us?
Extra heads for swapping won't make sence as our heads are much bigger then other manufacturers' ones.
Please be guided accordingly.

Best regards,


Re: New Strelets Sets for WWI

Dear Strelets,

thanks for the swift answer. It's a pity that there're no further plans for RCW, a lot of sets could be done for this conflict though imho.
Otoh it's good to hear that you're considering more WWI sets ("eastern front" units seem highly possible)!

Do I possibly see Polish Legion cavalry, Romanian light infantry, Turkish infantry or Bulgarian cavalry + infantry appear on the horizon?

Best Regards

Re: New Strelets Sets for WWI

Dear Peter,

not sure about Polish Legion, after all it was just a limited unit, whereas say, Romanian army isn't represented at all, Bulgarians aren't there either (though we have some doubts whether it makes sence to do them as they were so similar in their appearance to Russians), no Eastern front Turks or decent Serbs who also played important role in the conflict.
These are the possible areas that we might concentrate our efforts on.

Best regards,


Re: New Strelets Sets for WWI

Great ideas for the WWI sets, including Romanians and Serbs. Actually, I think you could make Bulgarians that are different from Russians with their distinctive footwear, and perhaps a few with German helmets for the late war period and some German or Austrian heavy weapons. There would definitely be a demand and appreciation for them. Also, while the Polish legion would be a pretty limited set for WWI, it would be useful for the Polish-Soviet War that would complement your ACW Red Army sets.

Re: New Strelets Sets for WWI

Great ideas for the WWI sets, including Romanians and Serbs. Actually, I think you could make Bulgarians that are different from Russians with their distinctive footwear, and perhaps a few with German helmets for the late war period and some German or Austrian heavy weapons. There would definitely be a demand and appreciation for them. Also, while the Polish legion would be a pretty limited set for WWI, it would be useful for the Polish-Soviet War that would complement your ACW Red Army sets.

Dear Strelets,
I agree entirely with everything Samogon wrote.
Here are some pictures of Bulgarian infantry & cavalry from different stages of WWI:

All 3 pages are worth a look!
Some drawings (including Romanians, Greeks & Serbs also):

And yes, I borrowed some of my avatars there lately.

Ditto due to the request for some Polish legion infantry & cavalry. Besides WWI they would be useful for all the conflicts the poles were involved in during the years 1918-1921 (including Polish–Soviet War 1919–21).
Heebs of pictures & links:

36 pages - a lot is about the 30's & WWII, but one can find some good photos from 1918-22 as well.

Anyway, thanks for the positive reply & I would love to see some WWI Serbs & Romanians from you!

Best Regards

Re: New Strelets Sets for WWI

WWI Serbs and Romanians would be fantastic!

Gas masks

Dear all

I was hoping the gas masks would be made in silicone rubber so they could be peeled off to reveal gasping heads of Tommies, Ivans, Fritzs etc underneath. Drat.

Seriously though, good news. How about one or two who were a bit slow putting their respirators on. I agree with comments about other WWI sets and add they are on the whole a bit sanitised. Airfix over a 1000 years ago had some wounded and dead poses in their WWI sets.


Re: Gas masks

Seeing some distressed soldiers who put on their masks a bit late would be very appropriate I think....I'd definitely buy such a set.

Re: New Strelets Sets for WWI

Hi.The Belgian are dis figs coming!?

attention to WW1 Austrian uniforms

Hello Strelets
Very good idea to follow up the WW1 trend . particularly appreciate the production of Austrian minis still not sufficiently represented . I'm thinking at their involvment in the Italian Front. Hat Austran infantry with ankle gaiters and classical backpack also for "action poses"(soon discarted) could be used only for 1914 East front and same thing for their, theorically, very useful Strelets one in they are all depicted without helmet and above also with those useless (for late period) gaiters and not with the generally used puttees. So i think that late type Austrians with gas mask and i suppose modern equipment and Mgs should sport those required puttees ecc..also by simple head swapping (German helmets, fezzes or field caps)they could easily be used as generic late type infantry, mountain infantry and also Bosnians.
thanks for your attention

Re: New Strelets Sets for WWI

Oh yes!! More Turks!!!

Re: New Strelets Sets for WWI

What we need are a decent set of Romanians, as well as a decent range for Africa. This would include the European Forces, their Native allies, a pack of native porters and maybe tribesmen. Unfortunately not all this subjects might be broad enough to receive a devoted box so they might be most suited to a Strelets type box not a mini one. This would allow a broader representation of the forces and might not create a situation manufacturers do of having a whole kind of soldier relegated to 2 or 3 poses in a set. it would also help show the irregularity these forces often possessed being cut off from supply lines from Europe and sometimes even the rest of Africa.

What do you think?