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Re: verified membership

the forum needs tighter controls to prevent trolls and to prevent ill feeling between genuine forum users,we are here to discuss toy soldier and a great hobby,not to be the play thing of fools and trouble intentions are 100% genuine and honourable.

Re: verified membership


Your first sentence is right and I agree with it entirely because then I could be reasonably certain that your last sentence was 100% or even 50% genuine.


Re: verified membership

Then lets hope stelets and bravenet are reading and listening.

Re: verified membership

Dear David,

although we strongly object to cencorship on our forum we do have to delete from time to time insulting posts or threads that are irrelevant to the hobby. We believe that bulk of our auditorium is civilised and intelligent enough to play within the rules that here aren't any different to any other public places that you may visit. You surely don't have to register to go to the street, so why should it here be different?



Re: verified membership

Dear Strelets

I do have to register myself as a citizen. This enables me to vote and to get taxed, get a passport and so on. Further to this I and all legal UK citizens have a unique identifier, a National Insurance number.
Yes we on this forum are in the main civilised and intelligent but that seems to attract deviants, like multiple name/ips types who want to wreck the forum and nothing else. If they are packed off quickly like a drunk from a church service then the harm is minimal.
I note that the stuff has been deleted now. That certainly clears the air and thanks for that. We are all very aware that you are a gentleman and your tolerant views are laudable.
Finally just to point out that the offensive poster is English and that is a further embarrassment as we feel our rubbish is blowing onto your patch.


Re: Last assault of sevastopol rocks/ forum user single login considered please

Dear Hank,

we don't have a problem with HaT's insignias.
Do you?



Re: Last assault of sevastopol rocks/ forum user single login considered please

Thank you strelets

forum user single login considered please

Hi Strelets ,yes i do have a problem with hat avatars on this forum.when i dial in on my cell phone and check the forum it costs me my time and money to click past these non strelet "nuisance spam avatars" on your forum..If i wanted to see theses immature badges i would go to hat forum i would rather see your strelets box art.

go try access your website then hats by cell phone .
Gets tiresome.....

hat would not allow STrlets avatars on their forum or anyone else.true ? it seems They are nofficial "ambassadors" taking abuse of teh avatar thing bravenet provide.principals i refer to your own mission statement.

if they wear the hat badge they are ambassadors and do not belong .why dont they stay on hat.
i come to strelets forum to see you guys and want to see sr figures and what other people do with them ideas of hobby that is shared.

I do not like to buy outside strelets figures but will use stand ins until you hopefully produce .

obrien tell you reasons why you turn blind eyes to unallocated ip address users a gateway that is being suspicious used.hat also .okay so let us who want to parlez about your figures predominantly.

if avatars so popular and you guys care little ,fine but can you please consider a screen condition so the few of us dont have to see those avatars.maybe reduced graphicss function/

also provide a avatar base that those who want to use strelets avatars oon hat forum can.... Touchez !

but it is cheap nasty advertising and drag down the forum.of course the level of "enablement" you/strelets and hat have for being responsible for any demise of content is up to you guys.its your forum sometimes janotors they shoot the wrong guy ...oh yes.but recent events have been ultra inappropriate.that was very low point for this forum i did not expect desecration of big usa disney movie icon here on this forum.shameful example .

so i ask in turn what is wrong with verified accesss and avatar filter out. what are your colors is becomming the question no?

I raise this objection on hat and they ban me for that Not a rude word i written.meanwhile you guys sit baxk on teh fence, wait for mr hindsight well okay .At least i stand up direct ...unlike some.

Whotever wins its only an opinion just as yours is to allow them.okay maybe it too late to say wake up ! if hat or strelets websites get :" chauvenistic warning" that appear in red on google or yahoo on websites that have "gone bad". I do not enter such websites maybe that hit effect business,maybe you not care about content access filters these isp browsers use .Thats at great pity for hobby if it did happen. investors maybe show concern about that .Its only a hobby for some but a living for others....they are your investors also.

maybe i just use guest book = no avatars there. one forum user has 30+ documented forum identities and you do know that much.

okay open debate appreciated but i guess people start tear into me now ,whatever.... this new moon has seen much trouble and ides of teh traitors month.