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Re: From Narva to Poltava

Dear Steve,

yes, these are all Swedes except the last one, which is an Ukrainian hetman Mazepa who sided with the Swedes in that war and was anathematized for that by the Russian Ortodox Church.

Best regards,


Re: From Narva to Poltava

sad that you strelets didnt get my message and got some female civillians on that set

Re: From Narva to Poltava

the figs look great...but to be honest I'm a little disappointed. i was hoping for a set like the medieval britain one with many civilians or little vignettes. instead most of the figs are ordinary soldiers which i already have courtesy of other Strelets sets or Zvezda.

Re: From Narva to Poltava

Dear Big Norm and ...

I agree, a definite missed opportunity here. The vignette is what Strelets do particularly well. Zvezda do the stock figures well. For conversions and combinations there are enough already.


Re: From Narva to Poltava

Dear David,

although we accept that Zvezda did a fine job with their GNW sets, they almost omitted pikemen - something that we rectified here.

Best regards,


Re: From Narva to Poltava

Dear Stelets

I wholeheatedly agree with you, there is a need for pikes, so that I do not have to convert 1/3rd an army's worth of infantry.
There seems a luxurious number of Napoleonics for every aspect, winter or summer, of almost every uniform from almost every country.
This set is merely a small step towards filling a large gap in a non-Napoleonic era.
I think the set is right and appropriate, and I applaud Strelets on this.


Re: From Narva to Poltava

You'll have some of those in the next GNW Big Box set for the Russian army.

Best regards,


Re: From Narva to Poltava

please strelets hear the woice of people and makse at least 4 female figures aristocrats and 2 -3 servant girls . we need them to some other eras to. PLEASE LISTEN US

Re: From Narva to Poltava

I agree (although in less plaintive terms!) with Kert that we really need sets of civilians, men are quite easy to come by for some eras (eg medieval courtesy of Medieval Britain) but women and children are a real problem. I've been wanting to do a 13th century town diorama for a while but apart from a couple of floosies outside the tavern the rest o the population would end up male and adult! I reckon Dark Age/Ancient, 18th century, Victorian and mid twentieth century sets would meet a lot of people's requirements and would sell well.

Re: From Narva to Poltava

I would say in fairness to Strelets that the name of the set implies battle scenes and as such I did not expect non military figures in this set. Medieval Britain, my favourite set from Strelets, kind of implies that it is more of a social overview of a certain era, granted in a very socio militaristic setting. I wouldn't mind a set of camp followers much along the lines of the french army camp set, but it was not what I was expecting from this new big set, and looking at the new figures they are well sculpted and will be very useful for this era. In saying that I remember a while back Strelets talking about a large Roman set is this still going to happen?

To Strelets

Is this a big box,with a lot of other old boxes,i have 25 king carl from old boxes

Re: To Strelets

I appreciate that there are many dioramists among the forum members, but I have to say as a wargamer that I would not buy a set of figures with civilians included. Perhaps Strelets could make such a set as a separate item to keep everyone happy?

Re: To Strelets

That is what I meant, Ian. Sets of civilians seperate from military sets. I am primarily a wargamer myself but there are scenarios in which I want to include civilians uch as Pig Wars raids etc.

Sluga Gosudarev (The Sovereign’s Servant)

Sluga Gosudarev (The Sovereign’s Servant) is a typical Russian Propagnada film. In Baltic states majoroty of local people ( not baltic russians ) thin that Peter the Great was Satan who deported some thousands of local people to Siberia . If you read Ambassador Margus Laidres lates book then you can see what russians did in Estonia .

Strelets - vignettes

Dear Strelets

By vignettes I meant figure groups like you get in several big box sets especially the Valley of Death set. These are superb and I can't see any other manufacturer doing anything like this. I think Big Norm meant the same.
The mini sets have been used to augment poses in many cases -eg Norman Archers. I would have thought the Swedish Pikemen would have been better as a mini set as collectors are likely to want several packets to make an infantry formation ( wargamers especially).
I am not sure of the actual sets in the Narva to Poltava set but I assume it includes the Swedish cavalry sets so some standing or wounded cavalry figures would have been useful. A limber or cart and horses for the artillery would have seemed to be the logical choice to go with the artillery set.

Anyway, Peter's court, set 905 will hopefully have a full chamber orchestra, dancing dandies, lots of women and assorted foreigners to keep us happy.


Re: Strelets - vignettes

as i lookd that box i understand that we can get both swedish cavalry sets and artillery set look the box

Re: To Strelets: From Narva to Poltava

What else comes with this set? I am hoping you redid your original Infantry of Charles XII in blue!

Re: To Strelets: From Narva to Poltava

Beside the new figures, I think the box includes 035, 043, 044 sets.

The movie Sluga Gosudarev (The Sovereign’s Servant)

I haven't seen the movie yet, but it looks quite visually appealing and the new sets should enable us to recreate both the real history and the movie. has 72 images from the movie. Like some other commentators, I hope that 905 will contain sufficient civilians and court officials (assuming my usual 2xset buy) to allow some broader scenarios. And of course, the Captain is still waiting for his daughter to appear in a Pugachev's Rebellion scenario (see the movie Russian Riot - based on Pushkin's The Captain's Daughter).

Have a great day, Frank

Re: The movie Sluga Gosudarev (The Sovereign’s Servant)

thankyou s-r for finesse in 1/72 you are teh napoloean brandy(i find nice bottel it do good) of teh hobby.very eloquent figures in narva i drink toNite to your continued health and appreciation get me thru hard time . Nice figuren thankyou to look forward to release why wait lets go doo it, but turkish inafntry need turkish artillery and cavalry fot krim war/.Wait for news turish crew and rider please what is teh chance .

Re: The movie Sluga Gosudarev (The Sovereign’s Servant)

I saw the film just yesterday, I must say it is a funny one, and the scenario, photography and costume is really very lovely made and accurate.
Ther rytm , scirpy and so on is ok, altohugh maybe a little " pro-russian" as the russian appear to be more or less the good and the sweedes a little "evil" and even "stupid" (100 muskets firing to 2 main charachters swimming slowly in a river 20 m far and no injuries to any of them both)

The scenes for battle of Poltava are beautiful and even spectacular, with long firing lines and advancing batallions in colourful uniforms, but the military advising seems to be poor, as infantrymen only fire once (only about 40 m far!!) and inmediately charge to the bayonet (maybe it is more real russian style!!). Also artillery guns are too modern, as they have no recoil at all!

Anyway I liked and enjoy the film, it is funny and nice to see (even more nice to see the incredibly beautiful actresses)!!!!I find it recommendable