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A Vendor’s Take On the Strelets - and other Ukrainian Producers

I reached out to a vendor of plastic figures - one from who I have often purchased Strelets and Red Box figures. I wondered if there was any info within the dealer/manufacturing ranks that could perhaps explain the silence and abrupt loss of Strelets’ website and provide any solid update. Here is his reply below which is short on detailed intel unfortunately (and not any fault of his I may add), but I trust what he states is the current situation with Strelets, and which can readily apply to other Ukrainian companies as well I’m sure. In a phrase, it’s the war…………

“Strelets (like many of the other Ukrainian model and figure companies) are still in recovery mode. In the case of Strelets, they recovered sufficiently to start planning for future releases. When the Russians began targeting the Ukrainian infrastructure, such as power, water, and electricity, their factory was put on a staggered schedule for power. This means that they may not have power for days or even weeks at a time. The Ukrainian government is going to route power to hospitals and essential services before routing it to a company like Strelets. There is nothing that we can do other than to be patient and lend the Ukrainians all the support we can.”

Re: A Vendor’s Take On the Strelets - and other Ukrainian Producers

Sounds about right & fully understandable.

Like I have said before, there is a war in Ukraine & when it comes to little plastic soldiers, they are very much low down on the list of priorities.

Its a sad shame that Strelets & its staff has been hit by this, but war doesnt discriminate between victims.

All anyone can do is really wish & hope for the best for Strelets staff & families, and perhaps...maybe see some more production in the future.

But there's a long way to go in this war yet.

Re: A Vendor’s Take On the Strelets - and other Ukrainian Producers

Sounds right, plus people that used to be in our industry now being soldiers etc, my view is buy the stuff when it appears, support Ukraine any other way I can, like buying direct from Ukraine even if it means I pay a little more. Donating to the Red cross Ukraine's appeal etc . It does seem just wrong to me to be impatient or frustrated about little plastic figures in the scheme of things . I saw a quote the other day about climate change, and I will try to recall the essence of it from memory "What CAN I do to make a difference I am but one person" , but what if seven billion people who think that did something. My thoughts on Ukraine are much the same and to quote a large UK retailer "every little helps".

Re: A Vendor’s Take On the Strelets - and other Ukrainian Producers

How true these comments are. We have to be patient and understanding of the situation. Yes it is frustrating that our supply of crafted figurines has been disrupted but it is nothing to what the Ukrainian people are going through. I have been amazed at the resilience of Ukraine and the model industry itself. We can only imagine what Strelets would have produced without this awful war changing the very future of the country and it's people. It is all just so sad ... Most people want to live their lives, without aggressive neighbours and not into conflict and yet we never seem to learn about the loss, destruction and stupidity of war... My thoughts are with all those who have suffered in this conflict...

Re: A Vendor’s Take On the Strelets - and other Ukrainian Producers


echo the sentiments, our thoughts and support are with the staff and families of Strelets and the other Ukranian wargame/toy soldier communities

To a swift and just end to the war and peace restored to Ukraine

Re: A Vendor’s Take On the Strelets - and other Ukrainian Producers

I agree with so many of you; it's a matter of priorities. I am amazed at how Strelets, Mars, and others have managed to keep production going in the face of what Ukraine has been through.

My own take is I realized when I was going through lymphoma year before last that I had more unpainted figures and projects waiting on my shelf than I'll ever have time to get to - even barring premature departure from this plain of existence. But that's me. I am hoping and praying Ukraine can survive and our friends who make these little pieces of art can continue making them.

In the meantime, with fingers crossed, maybe we can catch up on back projects. :+1:

Re: A Vendor’s Take On the Strelets - and other Ukrainian Producers

Quote By Wayne W.: "My own take is I realized when I was going through lymphoma year before last that I had more unpainted figures and projects waiting on my shelf than I'll ever have time to get to - even barring premature departure from this plain of existence. But that's me."

I think for some of us who enjoy this hobby, it's like having a secret lover. Like the line in the song "Nights in White Satin" by the Moody Blues ... "Letters I've written, never meaning to send." Well, maybe for us it's sort of like "Projects I've begun, never meaning to end." Keep building future projects; just the act of knowing they are there just for your sole enjoyment, makes you happier inside and out.

Of course, when we sit at our desks, only we know it's not really a secret lover - it's really "Our Secret Passion."

My doctor said to me, Wayne, "It's my job to cure you of this, so you can die of something else!" He's achieved mission success.

VIP to Ukraine, and the rest of us. - GC

Re: A Vendor’s Take On the Strelets - and other Ukrainian Producers

It is good to know they are still alive.