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Re: Cavalry at charge

Swords pistols pointing forward is a problem for a two part mould, that is why some figures come with separate arms and why you are struggling.

Re: Cavalry at charge

I think that the six horse poses that come with many of the WoSS cavalry sets do provide just about enough variety to allow a convincing cavalry charge to be modelled ie: three charging poses, a couple of trotting (second or third rank poses) and an officers horse which fits somewhere between charging and trotting. This selection of horses allows, for instance:

The issue is perhaps more one of when additional French cavalry sets might be released by Strelets: the key one is the Gardes du Corps set.

Re: Cavalry at charge

I'd be happy with the Napoleonic cavalry just getting a grip, chucking those pipes and bottles away and getting on and drawing their swords ready!!! Never mind actually charging!!

As long as the cavalry look like they are actually on a battlefield, or at least on their way to one nearby, I'm happy.

Swords drawn either resting on the shoulder while the cavalry is waiting or slowly advancing, or using them in a charge. Maybe even using them in an actual cavalry v cavalry melee for a change or attacking unfortunate infantry.

But looking so chilled out that they must be on a sponsored fun ride???? Nope, that isn't much help when trying to build up an army.

The WSS cavalry sets for me are far superior in the way they have been developed and put together than what their Napoleonic cousins are. (They even have better horses!!).

Re: Cavalry at charge

That’s because different teams are working for each era.


Asher Croy
I’m finding troubles piecing together enough good posed figures to depict a French cavalry charge at Malpaquet but I’m starting to think I won’t be able to.

If you want uniformity (and I think total uniformity is a mistake for cavalry*, unlike for the infantry of the period) buy lots of boxes & group the same poses together for one unit.

My take on 1/72 cavalry sets is they usually break down into action poses & more static poses (this is horses & riders), so I can usually get two fairly uniform units from 2 boxes.


* I'm glad that the standard 12 figure cavalry unit (where did you get 14?) generally comes with 4 different horse poses. Nothing looks more daft than a unit with all the horses in identical positions. You * may* get men to conform (in a charge though??) but you won't get horses to.

Re: Uniformity

There's so much we can wish for, probably never enough, but I think we should be grateful that Strelets is keeping the hobby alive in the first place.
Just let's keep in mind that in the end they have to make some money to do so, so economizing by reusing the same horse poses for different sets is certainly a valid solution, even if it's not a perfect one - just let's hope the mould is holding up as it's got to be used more often ...
I don't think that making mutiple sets in different poses is a good idea for every unit. French WoSS horse grenadiers, musketeers, gendarmes & chevaulegeres de la garde were relatively small units, so the one unit one set solution is probably all we can hope for and that's fine with me. For Line cavalry, cuirassiers, dragoons etc. the situation is different, these were quite numerous in most armies and thus making multiple sets concentrating on a specific action (as for WoSS French Dragoons) makes sense.
Charging poses, while great, are a matter of personal taste, it wasn't the most common action on a battlefield and certainly diorama builders (who will need and buy LOTS of figures) will probably need more figures halting, marching, advancing or "at the ready" than actually charging. For Wargames purposes "advancing" is perhaps the most versatile pose.
In the end we can always use horses from other sets (viz. put French WoSS dragoons on horses from their dismounted set for example) or create different poses by bending arms, turning or replacing heads, as we've done so often in the past when there were far less minis to choose from.