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Re: Russian uhlan officer uniform

Dear Stuart,

it seems there are not so many answers in this thread so far.
May we suggest you to look at these images:
Senior officer summer uniform:

Senior officer of Odessky regiment & trumpeter of Bugsky regiment:

However, most likely, that time of the year all of them wore overcoats:

Senior officer would have looked like this:

Colour and cut of the overcoat would have been identical to that ones of the ordinary soldiers (here Voznesensky regiment).

The regiment consisted of reserve depot squadrons of Litovsky, Volynsky, Voznesensky, Olviopolsky, Bugsky and Odessky uhlan regiments, although if we're talking about chasing of the Light brigade during Balaclava affair only 3 squadrons took part in it:
Litovsky: more about the regiment you can read here (click on the arrows on the uniform and standards images on the right, you will see the changes in uniforms and standards)

Best regards,


Re: Russian uhlan officer uniform

That is excellent information! So, six squadrons rather than eight, which neatly translates as two boxes: I'm using all Strelets figures, which aren't wearing overcoats of course, so the uniform details and colors are just what I needed.

Now if I could just find out which regiment colonel Jeropkine belonged to, or find a mounted senior officer wearing an overcoat......:+1:

Thank you Strelets!