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Individual Sprues?

Hello again! A more simple question from myself than usual, but do you guys have any favorite sellers on Ebay (or somewhere similar) who specialize in selling individual sprues of sets? To be honest I like Strelets sets in their entirety (to provide the unit's "beef" so to speak), but for most other companies I am usually more interested in their command elements or a few character poses more than the whole box. Thanks! :sunglasses:

Re: Individual Sprues?

I'm not sure about e-bay, but I know that Drum and Flag sell individual sprues/part-sprues from time to time.

The difficulty obviously is that the figures that you might be wishing to purchase as a part-set are exactly the same ones that someone else wishes to retain...leaving the less interesting/useful poses as the surplus.

It may be just as well to buy extra sets of the ones you need, accepting that some of the 'rank and file' figures in these sets may not be used, and will live out their plastic lives in the 'spares' box.

A simple view on a simple question...hopefully.:relaxed:

Re: Individual Sprues?

On ebay the single sprues tend to be hat sets or armourfast/PSC
The sellers are a a bit crafty & use the box pictures which could mislead you to think you were getting a bargain price on a full set.:wink:

Re: Individual Sprues?

Oooh yea, I did not know about Drum & Flag. Thanks!