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War Elephants

I love war elephants, and yes I know there are many elephant sets out there, the best from Hät and Zvezda, and Hät are apparantly planning Phyrric and Sassanid elephant sets but who knows when they will arrive. Since Strelets have done such a great job on their ancient sets and some of the animals from other eras I've seen in this forum, so the question is, could Strelets fill out some blanks in the 1/72 elephant range?

Persian elephants are still missing, though they didn't fight that much against Alexander it would be nice to see them anyway. I know the current sets offer conversion possibitiles, but it would still be nice to see elephants with Persian crew and symbols. Perhaps more successor elephants could be good, new Indian ones of course.

War Elephants from other regions like Cambodia or other Far East areas would also be quite nice.

I think sets like these sell well, or so I assume even if ancients isn't the most popular period.

Well just some thoughts and suggestions for these majestic animals in grey!

Re: War Elephants

Dear Traveller,

creation of such big objects in soft plastic isn't such an easy enterprise, as they tend to shrink (and distort) while cooling down. We don't favour 2-piece approach either.

Best regards,


War Elephants ? maybe yes from Linear-A

Linear-A updated the website, just box-art, too bad no master. Hannibal cross the Alps, Elephants there. I really love Strelets, they show master figure (sometimes even retooled)every step, every progress.