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questions to Strelets about future sets

It appears M106, 1812 Rangers seems to have dropped off the list. Are they cancelled?

Is it possible we might see masters for M112 WWII US Navy, M113 WWII US set 2 or M114 WWII Japanese in the next couple weeks?

Re: questions to Strelets about future sets

I would love to see Portuguese Cazadores in Stovepipe shako. A must have for the Peninsular War.

Re: questions to Strelets about future sets

I would love to see Portuguese Cazadores in Stovepipe shako. A must have for the Peninsular War.
oh yeah! i like this one...but not only: i hope to see the 2ww french legionaries for Bir Akeim, and french goumiers (moroccan and algerian mountain troops with mules)

Re: questions to Strelets about future sets

Dear Arlin,

1. no, M106 isn't dropped.
2. first lot of M113 will be published soon.

Best regards,
