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web site is updated

wow look at all those new sets announced.when did i miss british line infantry in over coats 1?

Holy Cow!!! New Napoleonics & War of 1812!!!! WhooHoo!!!

Couldn't you come up with a better subject line than: 'Site Updated'!
Holy cow what amazing British Infantry, I can hardly wait to see what
the other sets are going to look like. Thank-you Strelets Team, you guys
are the best!

Paul K.

new sets announced woo hoo

i must have got too excited.sorry.

Re: Ay Caramba!!! New Napoleonics & War of 1812!!!! WhooHoo!!!

Masters look superb I hope the other Napoleonic sets are sculpted by the same guy, great update Strelets.

One question where did the British Infantry fight wearing these coats North America, Peninsular?

Re: Holy Cow!!! New Napoleonics & War of 1812!!!! WhooHoo!!!

Nothing to say but, great!

Re: web site is updated

Great news all round,including what I assume to be multiple siege sets (misspelt as sledge?). I can remember thinking 30 years ago I wish someone would produce British soldiers in greatcoats - partly because I found it too hard and time consuming to paint the lace on the chest with all the cross belts.

I congratulate Strelets again on their diversity of subjects.

Here is an interesting article about British Napoleonic greatcoats from the war of 1812 website: