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Re: 1812 War

war of 1812 in america?


The Native Indian armies involved in the conflict. The British and probably the Americans too, can be covered with existing Napoleonic sets.

Re: Indians

Dear Strelets

A few suggestions
1. Unique US militia uniforms
Kentucky Mounted Militia in buckskin and tall hats. Mounted figures
Kentucky Militia on foot in buckskin and tall hats.
2. Regular US troops in buckskin coats.
3. Unique Canadian militia uniforms
especially the Canadian Voltigeurs.
4. US and British dragoons/light cavalry
5. Lafitte's pirates for New Orleans
6. Soldiers using snow shoes and skis
7. Naval and Royal Marine shore parties
8. Tecumsuh and his confederation of British allied indian tribes
9. A muletrain
10. some rafts for troops and supplies

Of course, having lived in Fort Wayne, the earlier (1790's) Anthony Wayne's Legion (officers, infantry, cavalry and artillery) would also make a neat offering.

Re: Indians

Dear Strelets

A few suggestions
1. Unique US militia uniforms
Kentucky Mounted Militia in buckskin and tall hats. Mounted figures
Kentucky Militia on foot in buckskin and tall hats.
2. Regular US troops in buckskin coats.
3. Unique Canadian militia uniforms
especially the Canadian Voltigeurs.
4. US and British dragoons/light cavalry
5. Lafitte's pirates for New Orleans
6. Soldiers using snow shoes and skis
7. Naval and Royal Marine shore parties
8. Tecumsuh and his confederation of British allied indian tribes
9. A muletrain
10. some rafts for troops and supplies

Of course, having lived in Fort Wayne, the earlier (1790's) Anthony Wayne's Legion (officers, infantry, cavalry and artillery) would also make a neat offering.

I would be interested in seeing the Kentucky troops represented,as I have lots of family there.

Re: Indians

Sure & he can cover WW2 Germans with the 9 Zillion sets we have now too!

Re: Indians

so strelets,is this a period your thinking about getting into?

Re: Indians


Re: Indians


Re: 1812 War

These would be my choices as they aren't simple repaints/minor conversions:

1) US Riflemen in fringed hunting frocks and both shako and brimmed hat - can be used for regulars in summer dress, Rangers or various state militia:
US Riflemen
US Rangers
Kentucky Militia
Indiana Militia
Ohio Militia
Virginia Militia

2) Tecumseh & the Shawnee Tribes

3) US Light Dragoons

4) Canadian Militia: Voltiguers, Chasseurs and Voyageurs

Re: 1812 War

As long as it is not just the Battle of New Orleans as it appears in so many revisionist histories why not! Its time that the invasion of Canada by the Americans is made available to a wider audience.

Do not forget the British marines and the Royal navy amphibious role in that war especially the burning a certain building in Washington (well at least they left the US marine barracks alone as a mark of professional courtesy!)

Re: 1812 War

Very much interested - would be good marketing considering we are in the midst of the 200th anniversary of that conflict with numerous commemoration events in both Canada and the US.

Re: 1812 War

Looking around at what is already available and other people comments I would agree with additional suggestions.

Obviously much of the British combatants are already available in Napoleonic lines and this might include HaT's "British Marines & Sailors"

However with gaiters and queues the marines have a bit of a pre-1808/full address appearance so a new set with trousers would be great. Also I think I heard the HaT set has become difficult to obtain(?)

Of course Strelets existing British Line Infantry in Egypt might fit the bill...

For Tecumsehs' warriors there is possibly already the fine set of Italeri AWI Indians - any thoughts on suitability for 1812-15?

Imex's Lewis & Clark set looks useful for rafts, boats, supplies, etc.

What assortment of clothing would Lafitte's pirates be wearing? Anything suitable already available?

Re: 1812 War

given that strelets has a style all its own,maybe their british napoleonic troops could do.but anything else should be i would think fair game.

Re: 1812 War

US Militia
US regulars
US rifles
Canadian troops
would all be awesome

Re: 1812 War

Hi. You can use existing sets of British troops for both USA and British / Canadian regulars.

However the Kentuckian mounted (and dismounted) infantry and native Americans (more clothed then in earlier wars)are missing and would make good competing sets for warfare in the Ohio Valley from AWI to 1815.

Throw in a set for the American Legion and you can do the NW wars as well.

Would certainly welcome the range whatever you put in it


Re: 1812 War

This a great idea but I think many people will only buy if the sculpting is up to the new standards shown on some recent masters. Someone said the British marines have a similar uniform to the line infantry in Egypt but that set was terrible just like the dismounted Mongols and original Dacians. Don't bother if you are going to produce waste plastic like that.

Re: 1812 War


further thought, if your a purist look away.

You could produce two sets to cover the bulk of infantry if you want a Strelets range as opposed to just plugging gaps:

one early war regular infantry (with stovepipe shako) which would cover USA regulars, British and Canadians by use of paint job

one later war regular infantry (with Belgic shako) which would cover as above, likewise via differing paint jobs.

Call one British / Canadian and one USA for marketing purposes and perhaps include more officers and standard bearers then normal.

then add your box of American militia (Kentuckians on foot and horse)and box of native Americans and your away

The Egypt Campaign British Light Dragons would do for the few light cavalry present on British side.


Re: 1812 War

Huzzah! About time! In my opinion, you should start with the Americans as there is nothing in that line!
US Regular Infantry, Dragoons & Artillery
Various US Militia: New Orleans citizens, Buckskin infantry, a few uniformed units (this will probably take a few regular or up to 5 mini sets!)
Native Americans (Allies & Enemies!)
Miltia cavalry & artillery
Jean Lafitte's pirates(especially gunners!)

Then you can move on to the British, many of which we already have!

Re: 1812 War

So the first set is apparently going to be "American Militia in Winter Dress"

That's an excellent choice!

Re: 1812 War

Awesome looking masters for the US militia! Strangely enough the fringed hunting frock seems to have been *summer* dress for many units such as Rifle Regiments.

Re: 1812 War

One thing I am interested to know - are there many Canadian collectors/gamers here? Because it seems that out of everybody involved in this conflict it is the Canadians that saw this as a defining moment in their history as a future nation. Without the defeat of the U.S. invasions Canada would not exist as a separate country in years to come.

For the USA, Britain and the native tribes (include France on the periphery) this is almost a forgotten conflict because nobody can agree exactly what the outcome was!!! ;) Makes it very interesting as a bicentennial subject!

Re: 1812 War

One thing I am interested to know - are there many Canadian collectors/gamers here? Because it seems that out of everybody involved in this conflict it is the Canadians that saw this as a defining moment in their history as a future nation. Without the defeat of the U.S. invasions Canada would not exist as a separate country in years to come.

For the USA, Britain and the native tribes (include France on the periphery) this is almost a forgotten conflict because nobody can agree exactly what the outcome was!!! ;) Makes it very interesting as a bicentennial subject!

The problem is that , probably due to Hollywood, the only bit remembered is the Battle of New Orleans. The pirate patriot bit made a better story than the unsuccessful invasion of what is now Canada!

All nations like to forget/bury certain aspects of their history (Bernard Cornwell book 'the fort' for example would make an excellent film but would never get the money to make it!);the Russians seem to have written out of their history 1939 -41 when they worked closely with the Nazis to carve up Europe between them. As for us British our history is littered with things we like to forget about.

Therefore lets have Canadian sets as they were the only ones who came out of this unneccesary war with any creditablity.

Re: 1812 War

Yes, one of the classic examples is the film Master And Commander in which the antagonist is a French ship in 1805. In the main Patrick O'Brian book it is based on (The Far Side Of The World) the enemy is the "USS Norfolk" in 1813. The producers quite openly stated they couldn't get funding for a movie where the US are the foe.

Agreed about that Bernard Cornwell book but I think even he bottled it considering he sent Sharpe to just about every corner of the world except North America during the conflict.

Re: 1812 War

Yes, one of the classic examples is the film Master And Commander in which the antagonist is a French ship in 1805. In the main Patrick O'Brian book it is based on (The Far Side Of The World) the enemy is the "USS Norfolk" in 1813. The producers quite openly stated they couldn't get funding for a movie where the US are the foe.

Agreed about that Bernard Cornwell book but I think even he bottled it considering he sent Sharpe to just about every corner of the world except North America during the conflict.

If I remember in one of the books he was bribed with with a Rifle battalion in Canada. Certainly would have been an interesting theme.

As for making 'The Fort' into a film Mel Gibson would make an excellent pantomime villian as Paul Revere - but which American would be prepared to play Commodore Saltonstall (Tom Hanks?). Probably as normal it would have to be a Brit!

Re: 1812 War

In anticipation of this range, if there are some who want a fun background to this odd conflict from a particular US perspective:

Re: 1812 War

M106 - US Rangers 1812
M107 - Tecumseh 1812

Wow, cool stuff! Especially the Tecumseh set. The Rangers set is a little more obscure and strange though welcome too. Personally speaking, some US Dragoons, Regular riflemen, round-jacket infantry (Scott's Brigade), Canadian Voltigeurs and British Marines would have been preferable however.

Looking at the Olivier Mille uniform site the Rangers seem to have similar dress to the "winter" militia already on the way. I guess they may carry some weight because of links with the earlier British "Rogers' Rangers" and modern US Rangers...

US Rangers


Re: 1812 War

Just trying to keep the War of 1812 requests in one place rather than starting multiple threads on the same subject ;) It struck me another uniform type is missing - the only British Highland unit that served in the war was the 93rd Foot (Sutherland Highlanders) who wore tartan trews and undress bonnet (similar to a tam o'shanter) rather than the kilt and feather bonnet:

However a few Canadian-Scottish militia units also adopted the same style of dress so perhaps a good subject as it isn't covered by the existing Napoleonic sets:

(Also it must be said, many of the existing Scottish Napoleonic sets are pretty bad with tartan schoolgirl mini-kilts! ;) )