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sr please ignore everybody and just make new sets

like you made new dacians like you made new charge of lite bragade etc , but yes be color conscious,

warning signs ?

i ask a question as i am worried but is it not typical this rerelease indication ( like what happen with airfix etc) that ownership has pass on and they are recouperating money from old color figure new box butold figure and depreciated casting in cheaper plastic. you tell me but we seen it all before.

following that very little new models appear as old set after old set appears until molds are eventually worn out.i hope this is not so. is much pity airfix stopped where and when they did , and did not fill many voids that were left unrepresented.

i hope it is not the case, that is why i dont want can do much much more in areas they have entered. i want to kick sr pants for stopping at acw after their tremendous command sets.When you look at what infanterie is available and artillerie , there is a definite place for sr to add representation to this era .

so sr hurry up get your rtw and cw french sculptor signed up , get limbers made for artillerie and early style uniforms and or coats . you do it and in related blue and gray colors!

Re: warning signs ?

I was just cutting some RCW sets and I would like these also to be done in green so figures in peaked caps could go with the Russian WW1 sets as well.I dont believe the Strelets molds are that old unlike the Airfix molds so hopefully re-molding should not be a problem.I too would like Strelets to come out with new ACW sets as well as [dare I say]some new WW2 German infantry -done in the Strelets style-to go with their Russian inf.and the new WW2 sets coming out.BEST REGARDS!

Re: warning signs ?

Unlike Airfix, many Strelets sets are difficult to find so a 2nd reissue isn't what I would call excessive. If they are still re-issuing the same sets in 2065, you might have a case. In the mean time, a low cost reissue of some sets which are in very high demand but currently unavailable, might just be what it takes, to finance the development of something new which may or may not sell.

Don't forget Tan

Since the two competitors who in my opinion count the most, Italeri and Hat, do their stuff mostly iin Tan and Grey and often the same set in both, I should think that doing the Romans in tan and grey, would ease mixing the two brands. The same goes for the medieval range, Crusader, Muslim, Norman and Saxons, who would mix very well with the El Cid troops. This also holds for the Napoleonic’s too.

colourways or rainbow warriors

I presume Strelets(and HaT) has got the message.

Let them speculate some of their money on reissues in another colour if they want to. It would be sensible for them to do something that has sold well regardless of what people may express as their preferences. I would imagine some non painters who bought Strelets Romans and Normans etc would prefer re issues to be in the same colour so their collection has homogeneity. The modus operandi of the non painter is not clear to me and I could be wrong in this assumption.
I think if somebody or a group has a preference for a not so popular set (ie still plenty in circulation)in a colour different to the one originally issued and indicate they are going to buy mountainloads let them put the cash up front like Linear B does. Strelets should be able to let them know what the terms , minimum order, etc is. It is not like commissioning from scratch as the tools, masters, patterns etc are already there.


Re: colourways or rainbow warriors

David O'Brien
I presume Strelets(and HaT) has got the message...

Hi David,

The message from sellers (from the HaT Forum) is the more colors sets are made in, the higher the sales. I've been told this has been the norm for a long time. And of course Armies in Plastic has learned this with their multi-colored strategy with the same molds.

I'm a non-painter and if Strelets makes their Romans in Terracotta, I'll buy all of the sames again, and have Two or Three Complete Roman Armies. Maybe for Civil Wars and Navys.

I'm finished buying Gray Strelets Romans, but would love to build more of the same armies more in new colors - Terracotta and Blue especially for Legionnaires and Seagoing Marines.

In summary, I'd love to have all of the Roman Sets in Gray, Terracotta and Blue. But I won't be buying more Gray because I have more than enough already.


Re: colourways or rainbow warriors

I'd have to concor. I will be unlikely to double up on sets in the same color. In different colors, it's another story. I collected as much of Hat's Punic wars sets in both Grey and Tan as possible.

It almost doesn't matter, it could be neon green or shocking pink, If the color is different, I'm likely to buy it.

I almost forgot to mention Orion. I've got most of their Roman stuff, In both grey and brick read. If I could find the other collors, I'd get them too. I always check the inside of a new box when I find one on the store-shelf.

Re: colourways or rainbow warriors

DAVID;THANK YOU for your reply!There is no hidden motive for those of us who dont paint. WE just enjoy having the figures molded in [correct colors in general]if you will for the specific time period offered and having them ready to go right out of the box.Molding figures in various colors can be and is profitable for the supplier.I know when the STRELETS RKKA-WW1 and WW2 RUSSIANS came out in gray I did not buy any.Had they been molded in a green color I would have purchased [mountainloads]of them!Just my own personal example!BEST REGARDS! CAPPY


Dear Strelets,

Another set I would like to see re-issued are the:

* Ancient Germans in Terracotta Red

The reason is to use as enemies of the Romans. The movie "Gladiator" opens with a pretty awesome battle against Germans, or so the opening text mentions this. They are sold out here in Gray, but I don't really know if you intended them to be Roman Allies or not.

Anyway, as enemies I'd love to buy them in Terracotta Red.

Thank you for listening.


They would also mix well with miniart's germans.

self help

The other point was why not get together and commission sets? 100 people wanting 5 WWI sets each in, for example, green would equal 500 sets which may be a viable figure for a colour variation.
It sounds like a lot of work but from the angst in the mails it seems there is a core of people worldwide who prefer coloured plastic to white metal etc and feel a bit let down by the preponderance of tan, ivory and light grey plastic figures. The surest way to make your dreams come true is to start the process yourselves. Make your presence felt.
Start a web site
Have a mailing list.. and so on
My guess is there are a lot more folks out there who collect unpainted 1/72nd scale figures.



Rather than list every single set I want re-colored; I refer once again to my color guide;

Pre 1900s
French, Swedish, US: blue
Russia: green(pre 1900), Olive or brown(post 1900)
Prussia/Germany/Austria: flat black or gray
Britain: red
Rome: gray
Medieval: France/Scotland: metallic blue, Russia: met grn, England: met red
Ancient Greek & Carthagineans: gold or bronze.
Ancient Germanic: tan
Post 1900:
US, Aussie, Canadian & Brit: olive
Dessert troops: tan
Italy: gray

Re-mold existing sets in new colors, please.

It costs a lot of money and takes a lot of time to sculpt figures and to make molds. The actual casting of injection molded figures is one of the cheapest parts of the business. Sometimes the box costs more than the figures.

Running existing molds in new colors is very inexpensive. It costs nothing more to run a gray set in green or a green set in blue than to run the original color.

Many sets are sold out already. Why not re-run those sets and why not re-run them in a new color? The world economy is slow and this is a good way to boost sales to finance new sets or just to keep the company running.

Running old sets in new colors will cause no material delay in making new sets. It may even provide the capital needed to make new sets sooner.

Mike "Bunkermeister" Creek

Re: Re-mold existing sets in new colors, please.

THANKS MIKE! I totally agree with you.I hope STRELETS will run their older sets in new colors.BEST REGARDS!

Re: Re-mold existing sets in new colors, please.

A big box set, in new colors would sure do it for me. I think I'd prefere to duplicate my Romans, Middievil, and Normans/Saxons in one or two fell swoops. A couple of Sprues of something new, should help the painter/converters feel better too.


Yes, Russians WW1 till WW2 in green, Finns Winter War in grey new British guns in tan!!