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Re: M70 British Line Infantry in Egypt

These do look very nice indeed. If I was to make one niggling point, it would be that personally I would prefer it if they all wore packs (or didn't) rather than having a mix. However, good to see them!

Re: M70 British Line Infantry in Egypt

What weapons are they supposed to have?
India pattern?
they either look too short or too chunky or both.

They will probably go with some white metal figures of the same campaign eg Dixon.


Re: M70 British Line Infantry in Egypt

Brilliant, but please get rid of the backpacks. I think that the troops in Egypt just had rolled up blankets on their backs. The backpacks shown on the masters are the 'Trotter' type introduced in 1805. These were not used in Egypt. If the troops did have a backpack it would have been the same style as those used in the American War of Independence.
Other than that they look great. Can't wait to see the British cavalry that can only be light dragoons in Tarletons.
Keep up the excellent work and thanks for what are very interesting sets.

Re: M70 British Line Infantry in Egypt

This is shaping up to be a very exciting series of
sets. Very nice figures.

Re: M70 British Line Infantry in Egypt

I don't know enough of the history of the uniform's details nor backpacks, but I'm happy to see the type of hats they're wearing. Maybe I could use them as Royal Marines also? Anybody have an opinion on that?

I do hope they are in Terracotta Red colour in this case. But authentic colour, whatever it was, is certainly fine with me.

Very nice looking details and nice poses. GC

Re: M70 British Line Infantry in Egypt

why was i expecting a mamaluk army ? why we egt more british instead of mamaluk ?

Niggle about the hat....

Hi, fantastic to see these early British on their way, I love the multiple poses.

I do have a niggle about the hat: it is too pointy in most of the figures. Some of them have the right shape (middle marching guy and 2nd row from the bottom, guy holding his gun), but the others have a hat that's not quite right. I hope this can be fixed!

Great set though, it will complement the Marines that already exist.

Re: Niggle about the hat....

it seems a good niggle but as a soldier it would be difficult to keep your parade ground hat type toy box uniform clean and washed with pipeclay.the hat i can see the sr-action figure to stop being blown away is sat on used for a multiple of soldier purposes eg filling hat with musket balls and resupplying your carrier etc etc .i think the point would be quite apparent in combat zone.
i think many ex soldiers have implemented headware for multiple uses other than wearing on head.also shielding a spark to light fire etc it goes on

Re: M70 British Line Infantry in Egypt

This is a terrific set and a terrific range (though you should fix the backpacks and perhaps the hats as well). With the same backpacks, they could also be used as British infantry in the Napoleonic campaigns in the Caribbean (Hispaniola, Guadeloupe and Martinique). Assuming this range sells well, Strelets should seriously consider expanding the range to cover the French Revolutionary/Napoleonic Wars in the Americas, including French troops for the Haitian Revolution, more British for the same period and even Haitians fighting for independence. It could also be a nice segue into the War of 1812, since it looks like Emhar/Imex are not going to be making any new figure sets in the foreseeable future, if ever.

And, if you ever feel more adventurous, you could always plunge into the Latin American Wars of Independence period.

Re: M70 British Line Infantry in Egypt

Backpack (knapsack- envelope or trotter I can't tell) and hats. Isn't the hat based on a standard civilian hat of the time?

What are those rifles /muskets supposed to be then?

They are like nothing I have ever seen or handled of this period. Never mind don't fix the muskets they are perfect - carry on.


Re: M70 British Line Infantry in Egypt

Good point about the muskets. Perhaps just remove the barrel bands to make it look more like a Brown Bess?