Piper Boat Owners Club Forum

Welcome to the Piper Boat Owners club Forum. The Forum for owners of Piper built Narrowboats and Barges and anyone interested in Piper Boats. The owners club is completely separate from Piper Boats. Please feel free to post a message to club members and web site readers.

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Weed hatch anti-cavitation plate?

I just bought a 2008 Piper shell narrowboat. I'm surprised to find the weed hatch has just a lid, and no lower anti-cavitation plate. I'm wondering if this is normal, whether other Piper owners have the same, and whether I should get the lid modified to include an anti-cavitation plate. Any insight and recommendations would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance, Dave

Re: Weed hatch anti-cavitation plate?

Hi This isn't a David Piper so you would need to check with Piper Boats but after many trips down the weed hatch on our (David built) boats over the years there was just the one plate.