Welcome to the Piper Boat Owners club Forum. The Forum for owners of Piper built Narrowboats and Barges and anyone interested in Piper Boats. The owners club is completely separate from Piper Boats. Please feel free to post a message to club members and web site readers.
Simon starts the build of our boat later this month and we will be at Henley on the 16th next week to finalise our design.
The conundrum is what size to go for. We made the decision to go for a 60M, but moorings are in huge demand and short supply. We have found one on the tidal Thames but access is restricted to 4.4m width which makes it a very tight squeeze coming and going but possible with care.
So again we were fairly confident we could stick with the 60M at 4.2 m. That is until you factor in access to the K & A which at Reading is limited to 4.0 m width and an air draught of 2.4 M.
Whilst our plan is to spend only 18 months in London before venturing on to the continent where we intend to travel extensively, we are concerned about the restricted use of the boat in the UK.
So the purpose of this post is to get feedback from as many Piper Dutch Barge owners as possible as to their thoughts on this problem. Hopefully many of you will be at Henley this year and we will get the opportunity of ask your advice face to face.
We had your same conundrums, we started at 57 then to 65 then the 60M and then i realised the impact of the extra 300mm in width compared to our 60 x 13f 9"
We live on the Paddington arm in Northolt, we have no issues up and down the Brentford flight or any other wide canals
We also have a removable roof which means we are not restricted, We also found over here costs go up for mooring with width
Hope the Info helps, feel free to say hello at the henley event
Thanks for your thoughts. We did meet and we came aboard a couple of times. The Henley event was so useful to us. We finally settled on the 60M and will have to live with the consequences caused by its size.
Should be ready to launch in Feb / March. Tracy mentioned a group flotilla up to the Norfolk Broads next summer which sounds awesome and which we would love to join.
She also mentioned a facebook page. Can you let me know what that is.
I found the EE 4 G broadband and will be looking at giving it a go at least for the first year in London and the SE.
Thanks again
Look forward to meeting up on the river next year.
One other thing you may be able to give advice on is that of all electric boats.
From memory, Ascension was a little like the Star Ship Enterprise as far as power is concerned. However we can't remember whether you have gas cooking or electric.
If you have all electric how do you find it. On forums we are in the very small minority, with 99% saying we would be mad to go all electric.