Piper Boat Owners Club Forum

Welcome to the Piper Boat Owners club Forum. The Forum for owners of Piper built Narrowboats and Barges and anyone interested in Piper Boats. The owners club is completely separate from Piper Boats. Please feel free to post a message to club members and web site readers.

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wet room

do you have a drawing of the layout for the wet room?
i have a leak somewhere and it may make it easier to find and fix
thank you

oh i will be joining your great club soon i miss pipeline

Re: wet room

Hi Wayne

Can you remind me which Ellen it is? Boat No? We have three Ellens!

Pipeline is going modern! All members get an update on the Piper Boats on-line newsletter and because this is so up to date, I struggle to find new news so it's been decided that Pipeline will be produced in our Owners Club website. (at shorter intervals to be more up to date)

Unfortunately this isn't updated by me and we seem to have a problem. Hopefully this can be sorted and I will be able to update monthly. Any new narrowboat news would be welcome.

In the meantime I'm using the forum for any news
