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Re: I like the dead, wounded and surrendering

wargamers like me need the wounded and surrendering figures to act as hit markers.
the ones i can't abide are those lying down like the 2 poses in the new ww1 russians.

Re: Re: Re: I like the dead, wounded and surrendering

I am a wargamer, and from my experience virtually every set has some "throw away figures" whose poses simply do not work for my purposes. Dead wounded and surrendering figures would most likely fall into that catagory for me. However I would have no problem with a set containing one of each pose. The problem is when you have a manufacturer that produces sets containing say 8 poses repeated 4 times. On old Strelets format (every figure unique) was much better for working in the casualty figures.

Live and Let Live - Even the Dead.

I need as many casualties and non-tradtitional poses as I can get. In fact, I find it absurd that every set doesn't contain at least one casualty.

Like others, I echo the sentiments about respecting each others needs in the hobby. As a non-wargamer, many poses are useless for me - but essential to others.

Live and let live - even the dead.


Jon Metters

Re: I don't like the dead.

I'm all in favour of as much diversity as possible, this is something where Strelets makes a difference...


Re: Re: I don't like the dead.

sure boring painting boxes of 8 figures give to me strelets regualar box 40-44 figures.

Re: Re: Re: I don't like the dead.

In a set with fifty different poses a dead or wounded guy is okay. In sets with 12 or 16 or 20 poses a dead or wounded guy is 5% to 8% of the set. I am also not much of a fan of the guidon or bugler in the sets with only a few poses. I build full size units so a company of 150 men does not need 15 buglers or guidons.

I would rather have all the live figure needs fulfilled before the needs of the dead are attended to. Radios, officers, NCOs, medics, heavy weapons, messengers, female soldiers are all better than dead guys. I can make dead guys pretty easily if I needed one.

The Orion Pirates set has a great skeletonized body that will work for nearly any period. A single set with dead guys and a few accessories would work for nearly all periods. Then we could dispense with them in the other sets.

Mike Creek

Casualties are important

Dear all

Recently on the Najemo forum, Roland Kupski has gone to great pains to skilfully convert some of Emhar's FPW Prussians to casualties. He shows what can be done with glueable plastic and ingenuity. The basic set needs either this potential to convert to cover all uses (diorama or wargamer) or alternatively cover the uses with different poses. Not quite sure why wargamers do not want casualties as Foundry for example offer casualty sets with most of their white metal ranges so there must be a demand.
Strangely enough it is hard to define which figures depict the dead, the wounded or winded (or snoozing). I suppose Zvezda's decapitated Samurai heads are very deceased though what happened to the other bits?
That apart
Rather than divide the hobby and put off diorama fans or wargamers by too much of one or too little of another it is probably best to adopt a balance that half satisfies all ( Solomon didn't do that did he?). Some dead, wounded, winded, sleeping,singing, eating, surrendering WWI Russians would suit me as the existing sets' poses are geared to the battle, the attack. Nothing wrong just a very limited potential. 12 poses still give scope for a nod in the direction of diorama makers, painters, modellers. A nod not an embrace as dioramists etc were treated (spoilt with) when offered 44 poses. Better a nod now, a doff of the hat, a wink than no recognition at all.

BTW I haven't got the WWI Russian infantry sets yet the rifles look better in the pics for being cast (in white metal?) first

Re: Casualties are important

You´re so right, David, thanks
You can see some of the pictures on Benno´s Website also, with english commentary.

Re: Re: Casualties are important

Hi Roland,

as usual you did a great job here. I always like
your work!

But sadly not everybody is so good with converting figures

A lot of the collectors don't convert figures, so they have to take what is offered by the manufactors.


Re: Re: Re: Casualties are important

but as has been said: the Emhar figures are simple to convert. I would prefer dead or wounded poses in a box, of course, as a diorama-maker.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Casualties are important

Dear Roland,

aggreed - a set of casualties is in my eyes as important as a pure set of standing or marching figures.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Casualties are important

I bought 12 boxes of the pegasus d-day rangers, because of the many dead and wounded.
And even those am I still converting, even the living ones: head without helmet, head other way lying down, even the medics I cut loose, to replace their position(difficult operation :-) ).
So dead and wounded are important to me!
Maybe one company should make a set of dead, wounded soldiers in a popular, well selling set(in plastic, I know metal sets=expensive): Napolean era, french line, guard, british, scots, prussians, french cuirassiers.
Waterloo will always be the most favourite diorama-subject.

Strelets Medieval eezy peezy casualty conversion

Dear All

This must be the easiest and best to convert to a casualty for Medieval fans:
In the Strelets Medieval Levy set 1 M005 in the "Figures" photo - first row first figure on the left (with club). This is the target. Cut off the club do not use the shield. Bend at the knees to lean backwards. Small cut under the neck and bend head back slightly. You can leave the stub on the figure for the shield as a crossbow bolt (in the midriff -100% fatal in those days). The expression on the figure's face is so good for this conversion.
The fourth from the left has potential as well.

I agree that there should be casualty sets. In my opinion the Strelets Charge of the Light Brigade walking/riding casualties are some of the nicest figures made in plastic and deserve a much wider use for other periods. If they were sold as a separate set (not in a big box )I would buy lots- I am sure others would. Massima Costa's pics of his excellent conversions and paintjobs in parts 1-4 show how good they are.

for massimo

Dear Massimo
See I can get it right. A typing slip by me not a gender change for you. Sorry. Your figures are great and more in your galleries at Soldatini on Line.


Re: for massimo

Dear David,
No problem for your mistake, if you wont notice regard my casualty conversion send me a mail, for the position and drammatic move i inspired to classic picture. Sorry for my english language. I dont speak very well english.