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Crimea Russian flags

I'm a newcomer to this forum, as most of the people here with a passion for small plastic toysoldiers.
Actually, I have a question.
At the time working on a Crimea Malakoff diorama - a nice Zouaves attack out of the trenches onto a rabbled Todtleben revigourized bastion.
Although not really an important item at that moment I would like to obtain information on Russian flags - English and French are easy to find, but the Russian ones... no chance so far.
Should be some doubleheaded eagle, but still the old Napoleonic Andrew's cross type?
(old Russian joke - How can a state work with a symbol of the head being acually two and looking into opposite directions?)

Really grateful if someone can guide me.
Best regards

Re: Crimea Russian flags

Dear Michael,

Try these links:

Best regards,


Re: Re: Crimea Russian flags

Dear Strelets,

Spacciba vam bolschoe. Imena vot schto mne nado bilo.

.. and maybe we can revive the Crimean front...


Re: Re: Re: Crimea Russian flags

Yes that,Michael would need Turkish Infantry Figures.very much a cul de sac colelction otherwise.