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Re: to strelets

Well, while waiting you can use
-Italeri Crusaders
-Caesar crusaders
-Strelets Normans

If you prefer later crusader cavary:

-Some Italeri teutonic knihgt (crusaders anyway!or
-Zvezda livonian knights (crusaders as well!!)
-Strelets Edward I english cavalry (powerful set of medieval heavy knights!)
-Some Zvezda HZW english knights look fine as XIII c. crusaders.

Re: to strelets

Dear Guy,

this series will be extended with one of the sets being announced already. This set will have plenty of charging knights and, hopefully, will be what you are thinking about.
We aren't going to plan for too long in advance since we aren't the only ones who are making sets for this period but we will appreciate your recommendations in terms of which sets for this period will be required.

Best regards,


Re: Re: to strelets

I'm mindful of the El Cid range soon to come out from Hat but there are a couple of Crusade things we need to flesh out the armies. 1) Muslim horse archers - only 4 in your Seljuk Turkish cavalry is a real problem as when I was working out an army I wanted archers at a ratio of about 3 or 4 to 1 heavy cavalry. 2) Crossbowmen, again other people are on this but, they are one of the most distinctive features of a late Crusades,Christian army, and should have been there from the start