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Here are the three sets missing in 1/72 scale...

Battle of New Orleans:

Any Battle in Mexican War:

and any Battle in French & Indian War:

See? They been done before in 1/32. It ain't rocket science. Why have they not been done. Nobody wants them in this scale? Do we really only want Imperial Romans and French Nappys?

I also can't understand why Strelets keeps waiting on the Crimean War French Cavalry (hopefully it's Chasseur D'afrique). They are useful for Crimea, Italy 1859, Mexico 1863, and even (if you squint your eyes) the Franco-Prussian War.

I also await The handful of Spanish-American War sets from Caesar and BUM.

I await the Russo-Japanese War from Caesar and the Brit Colonial and WWI from HaT Industrie.

And finally, The French in Mexico, or specifically the French Foreign Legion and Mexicans at Camerone.

There, I've said my peace. I grow tired of waiting, as I've said ad naseum. You'll not hear from me again, no complaints, nothing, until I can comment on these sets when (if) they finally come out.

Re: Here are the three sets missing in 1/72 scale...

Hi Arlin,

I share with you your wishes and I have far more. You mentioned all the upcomming sets which are on the top of my wishlist (beside the Crimean Turks ).

But to be quiet and say nothing until Bum and Caesar bring these sets? That would be too hard for me...


Re: Re: Here are the three sets missing in 1/72 scale...

Hi Arlin & Uwe,

But, Arlin! You missed the most important point. If the S*R Team makes these sets as the eBay sites show at the bottom of the pages, they will make soo much money they will be driving red BMW convertibles like Mr. Barzo. In the U.S., these cars are "Babe-magnets", and not for "Girly-men" as the Austrian Oak, Arnold Swartzenegger would say !!! I did my homework. According to the S*R World Map, the U.S. is the 2nd largest market for their products. So, come-on guys, put these sets in your Futures Radar and let us invest in your future cars

All of the sets recommended by Arlin and Uwe should sell well in the U.S. and Europe in 1/72, especially cause they have never been done before ... in truly soft plastic. After all, I'm simply a Scotish, Irish, French, and Dutch transplant to the U.S. No Worries here about favorites !!!

:-) ;-) Cheers My Good Mates!

Re: Re: Re: Here are the three sets missing in 1/72 scale...

Very good points. But, I happen to know Mr Barzso drives a Toyota Prius. I'll bet he wishes he had a red BMV convertable. I think even his wife would like that.

Re: Re: Re: Here are the three sets missing in 1/72 scale...

Dear David,

thank you for your message.
Thing is that convertible BMW is utterly useless for this business since you can carry too few boxes to the customers in it, 4x4 is much more convenient for this purpose . Furthermore, since it's impossible to make the sort of money in this business that will pay for BMW, it's increasingly becoming a hobby rather than business. You've got to have a permanent job elsewhere that will pay for your living and, as in any hobby, you tend to pick up things that interest you more, don't you? That's why we are focusing on Russian history more than on any other not forgetting other bits and pieces that interest us apart from our own history. Moreover, there're so many companies in the US that can cover these periods well and quickly that we simply see no reason why we shall go there. Also don't forget that several companies have already announced their decision to make sets for these conflicts and it won't be nice from our side to play on their fields.

Best regards,


Re: Re: Re: Re: Here are the three sets missing in 1/72 scale...

Hi Strelets & Jay!

Mr. Barzo drives a Toyota - ugh! So do my Mom and brother. Oh well, I've got a small Jeep SUV (Liberty) with no bells and whistles, so I can understand your thinking, but mostly to haul my pets to the veterinarian. I come last in my family, like I'm sure you guys do too !!!

If not hobbying, I enjoy listening to my old "Temptations" CD and even VHS video. After the fact, I'm a big MoTown fan now. Go figure! So, S*R Team, I can understand your business philosophy too. While reading your forum message, I was listening to the song "I Love the Things You Do." I'll keep twisting your arm to make sets better than anything made in the U.S. so far, but I'm still a good customer of your themes. And I do love the things the S*R Team does !!!

There may be a few fans of yours that would love to see you make a set of Russian Sailors - some with the beautiful neckerchiefs, sailor caps, and bell-bottom trousers, and also some as shore duty marines, with gaitors, waist belts, and rifles, especially for the Boxer Rebellion !!!

Anyway, I believe you have a very loyal fan base, and we do love the things you do. Thank you for opening our eyes to the wonder and beauty of Russian history. And thank you for taking your hobby and making it our business. Does that sound right ??? :-)

Here's to more Happy Collecting!

Russian history

Hi Strelets,

I am happy to read that you are more focused on Russian history.

So I can hope for Potiemkin uniforms in the future, beside Russians for the SYW and above all
the Russo-Turkish wars from 1700 to 1914, especially 1877!

Many thanks for this, I will dream tonight what I can paint in the future


Re: Russian history

Hi Uwe,

1877 is an option, not in 2007 but still an option.


Re: Re: Russian history

So I hope for 2008
