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Re: 39

Started at age 10, 1 box each of airfix Union and Confederate Infantry. The boxes were inside a Folger's coffee can that was painted like a drum for the bicentennial.

Re: Average Age of Forum Members (Warmwater is a Cool 50!)

39 next month and hoping that life begins at 40. Been collecting since age 9 and painting since age 13.

36 on 23th august(20 nights to sleep!)

Re: Average Age of Forum Members (Warmwater is a Cool 50!)

42. Gave it all up in my mid teens
And when I reached forty a friend gave me a few boxes
of Hat figures for a laugh, a sort of reminder of my lost youth. Needless to say I have regained that lost youth!

Re: Re: Average Age of Forum Members (Warmwater is a Cool 50!)

Let's just say in my 40s. I also gave toy soldiers up in my early teens and only started back up about 5 years ago when my mother found a box full of my old soldiers. My interest in military and industrial history, however, has continued throughout my life.

Re: Re: Re: Average Age of Forum Members (Warmwater is a Cool 50!)

27 in a week and a half

43, and have been at it since I was 6

And I have every figure I ever bought, save a few that met an untimely end in the early 70's at the hand of a very angry mom and a vacuum cleaner. My therapist says I best just leave the incident buried........

44, started at 8

Re: 44, started at 9

Probably by 20 I had stopped collecting, and sold or gave away all my 1/32 and 1/72 soldiers. Starting the early 90's I kept looking at the output in 1/72, and from '94 got again very heawyly involved.

Re: Re: 40 and holding...

i'm forty...demographics wise, my peers read books and comics for fun, we played outside all the time, and we grew up on rock and roll, and we all wanted to be soldiers or cowboys when we got big enough. modeling was a socially acceptable hobby unlike the arcane practice some view it as nowadays. okay, i'm a grumpy old forty at that...anyway, it's nice to be counted. and i hope to still be able to paint into my 70's.

Re: Re: Re: 40 and holding...

Yeah, I think that's our problem, for most of the forum members anyway, that we start looking at our demise, rather than to our accomplishments. Most of the people buying 1/72 sets are past their prime, and past that 40 barrier, and thus starting to be concerned with afterlife (a concern never thought of earlier, when you feel that you own the world). I started a "troubled soul"-thread below, because it is conditioned by what we can get now!! I think we want it quickly, perfectly done historcly and sculpting wise.
I just wonder about the future of 1/72, because I wouldn't be here 30 years from now, to gather all the sets I wihed I worked on.

A troubled soul


im 14, 15 in september. I started on this forum when I was 11.

Re: 16

With YO YO one of the younger ones...
started when I was 12, and collected and painted ever since.

Re: Re: 16

Are you serious? You are only 16? I have the same reaction as with yoyoma. I wish I were as young as you guys, but am very happy that you are. When I was 16, my offer in life was without Internet, in a comunist country, where information was a source of power. 1/72 were hard to get, but I got addicted with pirated 1/32.

Yo yo ma

You have my respect. I am 40+, and would never have guessed that you are that young, from your previous comments. I just hope you would not feel that you are among dinosaurs (one excluded, for obvious reasons), and hope you will feel comfortable among us.


petrovici radu

Re: Yo yo ma

Yup. I'm a dinosaur! At least, in one way. Not the other. Dinos rule, dogs drool!

OT for just a moment, does anyone else model dinos?

Anyway, it's good that we have a wide variety of ages here. I won't say mine here, and hope that won't offend anyone. But a mixture of different ages is a good thing in this kind of hobby...we're all not little 10-year-olds, at least! (No offense to anyone, please!) It's a real hobby--and I don't care if anyone thinks us silly for "playing with toy soldiers"! I don't have a problem with that kind of thing...I even collect Legos and post my creations online. I've heard it attracts some women, and turns others off. We don't won't the shallow ones who would hate our hobby for stupid reasons, now do we?!?!

Re: Re: Yo yo ma

Generation Airfix and Vietnam.

Re: Re: Re: Yo yo ma

I forgot to mention that my son has joined me in the hobby- age 12.


I love history, so the hobby just follows that love.