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Re: Weekly Mail

There does seem to be some sizing issues with some of the figures. The 8th army fellow does look a little bit "Hulk Hogan" up top!

I'm guessing the highlander masters are for the possible "in square" set? I hope there are an equal amount of kneeling poses as standing ones in the set?

Some of the highlander masters we have seen do look a little odd in head/headwear sizing as mentioned & the muskets still dont have that "brown bess" look to them. Also, it may be my imagination, but the cartridge boxes seem as if they are getting a bit big too?? Nice bayonets though. Glad to see them being present on all the recent Napoleonic masters.

Anyway, thats enough Highlanders now!! Lets see some normal British line infantry or Brunswickers in square!!!

Re: Weekly Mail

That's because the Tommy gunner is a FFL soldier (Bir Hakheim), see the sash.

It is well established knowledge that Popeye served some time with he FFL.

I agree about the proportions of that figure. Might be just the photo angle.

Re: Weekly Mail

His right arm seems much too large, thicker in fact than his legs. Has this man been working out and taking steroids? I think that the upper half of this figure is in fact 10-15% too large.
You're seeing the gunstock as well as the arm though. The boundary between them isn't obvious on the photo.

The shoulders look a bit too big and out of proportion but the Airfix Napoleonic figures were the same and they look good when painted, scale effect. I prefer figures to be sculpted in proportion though.

The proportions of the Highlanders somehow don't look quite right to me but, again, perhaps they will look fine once painted.

Re: Weekly Mail

More fine Friday figs from the 'free that formed the focus for Friday f'eighth.

Thanks Strelets. More smiles on a Friday evening. Always a pleasure to view.

Regards, James

Re: Weekly Mail

The weekly mail has been delivered by Mr strelets & like the real mail there is going to be a large bill to pay some time before xmas bring it on.
Great figures Mr strelets I cant wait to get my hands on them thanks.:heart_eyes:

Re: Weekly Mail

Wonderful, but a minor observation , our 8th army guy may be a bit chunky, they were lean and fit.

Re: Weekly Mail

Alan Buckingham
Wonderful, but a minor observation , our 8th army guy may be a bit chunky, they were lean and fit.
I was going to mention Harry Secombe, but actually, he does look pretty lean and fit.:relaxed:

Re: Weekly Mail

While waiting for some Russian infantry in overcoat marching as winter is coming, I can predict a fantastic FFL ww2 heavy weapons set.
Carry on team Strelets.

Re: Weekly Mail

Some reel eye candy here. Before you are through I am going to have a 1:1 representation for EVERY Highland regiment in service during the Napoleonic Period. What a problem to have...

The Thompson gunner does seem a bit top-heavy; at the same time I wonder if that might be exaggerated by the angle of the camera just a bit? And the thought occurred to me firing a Thompson at full "Rock n' Roll" (our term for full auto) after awhile might bulk a fellow up. They kick like a mule. Even an AK or M16/M4 buck a bit - but the Thompson is like riding a wild mare on steroids in comparison. :wink:

Re: Weekly Mail

Does anyone have an idea of what's confirmed to be in the next batch of 12 or so new sets timed for Christmas?

Hannants have only 5 sets listed at the moment (all WoSS), and PSR have a large futures page list containing many old/abandoned sets, but not the possible new sets such as for WWII, I'm anticipating:

WWII FFL ("in attack and/or Heavy Weapons"?)
WWII 8th Army ("in attack?")
WWII Italian Arty
WWII DAK ("in attack?")...

Re: Weekly Mail

Looking forward to the next North African WW2 Commonwealth set but am keen to know - will there be a prone 2 inch mortar team in there ? There was not in the 8th Army Heavy Weapons' set and this platoon staple support weapon is sorely missing in Aurfix/Revell/Esci and Italeri plastic for this theatre. I am about to start a large conversion exercise (12 trams) using de-gunned Airfix bren gunners - do I need to do this Mr Strelets, or are you about to save me from this necessary chore ?

Re: Weekly Mail

Looking forward to the FFL but the tommy gunner does appear large and the gun itself looks too long.