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Re: War of Spanish Succession Artillery Train?

Very good to hear from you again Edwardian, after your break. Having not seen a post from you for a while, I was beginning to wonder if you were OK, so good to know that you are.... and spending in a 'big way' to boot! My purchases in the last week have only totalled a mere £120, mainly new Strelets releases.:blush:

I'd fully support any further WoSS artillery and related sets from Strelets. Whilst the guns in the recently-released artillery sets are rather basic and rather too small, the gunners themselves are excellent. Two guns and ten figures in a box is, however, poor value for money when compared with the Zvezda GNW sets.

An 'artillery train' set of c. 6 horses, limber and perhaps a small 1 or 2 horse ammunition wagon with drivers for both would be superb, and very useful for armies throughout the C18th.
Thank you, Minuteman.

Dug out the French infantry sets and divided into 'horizontals' and 'verticals'; it's good to be back.

Re: War of Spanish Succession Artillery Train?

The WSS artillery sets were a little sparse for contents compared to other competitors sets.

Limbers, Caissons etc are in short supply for many era's.
So I echo Edwardians call for such equipment for the WSS. Napoleonics could use some too. As could Crimea, ACW, Zulu Wars etc.

I also understand Flambeau's concerns about fiddly harnesses etc when making such horse drawn equipment. While I do & will readily continue to buy such sets, the construction does frustrate me at times. Trying to get plastic "ropes" into sides of horses etc......& keeping them there!!! Enough to make someone pull their hair out!!!

However, stopping short of simplifying such parts like Airfix & Imex etc did, it's hard to see another way of doing it.

Normally horse trains are 2 or 3 horses each side in a line. So...what about making them so that each side of the train of horses is already moulded with harnesses/ropes attached?
Then the customer just has to paint each line of horses whilst still on the sprue and then could glue to a supplied base. The 2 lines of horses would then be ready for a limber, caisson or wagon to be attached. Riders for the train can be done as they have always been.

It would be hard work for a sculptor and the moulding process, but its the only way I can think of making horse teams easier to put together.
Would be a tough but interesting challenge for a manufacturer too.

Re: War of Spanish Succession Artillery Train?

I am tentatively expecting such a set or two in the future based on a comment Strelets made to myself last year here on this very forum, although further confirmation would be great! :grin: