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Who is the chap stood with the artillery piece? His own firearm looks like another odd muskety thing, rather than a 20th Century rifle such as a K98, M1 Garand or LE.303?
They look like they are from completely different era's!!
Of course maybe they are & this is a trick!!
Interesting definitely!
Either way, armed with his own firearm, big axe, a sword & that artillery.....hes certainly someone who's got all bases covered!
The figure with the AT gun is a Russian Streltsy soldier from the 16th-18th Century. They were armed with an arquebus and a bardiche - the axe-bladed polearm. Strelets used to issue them an an "extra" or bonus figure in boxes of soldiers.
Nice figures. I like the Italian infantryman sculpt very much and look forward to this set. The 28mm cone bore is an intriguing little gun, and I'm sure will be popular amongst us over-40s who remember the old Airfix WW2 infantry/Afrika Corps 1/76 sets.
Re: the Streltsi figure: Have a look at this feature on PSR:
I believe this one was issued with the British Camel Corps set.
Re: barrel elevation....take the wheels off, as per the operating mode for this weapon, and.....
Probably no need to model the double (spaced) armoured shield in this scale, but even so, a nice little model.
Ah yes, the (in)famous 'pak antitank gun' from the Airfix sets of days gone by! The one in the photograph is on the lightweight airborne carriage, as Airfix tried to produce, sorta.......for some reason you got two of them in the Afrika Korps set, but only one with the German Infantry
Hi Murat.
No apparently it is there for scale comparison only. It tricked me too!! For a minute I thought we were getting a completely dedicated new set. Was confused too about being stuck next to a much more modern artillery piece, as the colour of plastic etc made it seem as if they were part of the same set, but that was all cleared up by Strelets above. So nah, just an older bonus figure showing size comparison. AT gun looks brilliant though!
I'd say the top one is not Italian, but from somewhere in Eastern Europe. Mauser type carbine, Polish, Czech or Slovak helmet, summer uniform...?
My guess Slovak: http://brushesandbayonets.blogspot.com/2019/03/flames-of-war-slovakian-army.html
If I am correct, then this bloke withn the binoculars (and German ammo pouches) may also be Slovak: