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Re: Collecting money

Many wishes to all of you, gentlemen!!
My problem, besides the monetary one (:grimacing: ), is which and when some of these superb items will appear in the market...
Could, Mr Strelets, give us some information??

Re: Collecting money

I'll probably be spending most on the new WoSS sets (French dragoons and cuirassiers with helmets and tricornes). Not sure about the artillery as I have quite a few of Zvezda's excellent GNW sets. If Strelets had chosen to provide bigger calibre guns I might be more tempted.
Perhaps one box of French Guard chasseurs.
The Austrian Uhlans look good, but saw little action. Aspern and Wagram in 1809, no regiments in Russia and none in Germany in 1813 (except at Hanau). They fought in the campaign for France in 1814 though. As Strelets has chosen to provide them with the straight plumes I could also use Zvezdas Guard lancers, if I should ever like to paint some Austrian Uhlans, so ... probably not (yet).
WoSS will be costly enough I guess :wink:

Re: Collecting money

Ah, thanks for the heads up about the Austrians. I couldn't remember if they were involved in the later big battles, but just assumed there must of been some present. Oh well.

I will still buy a couple of boxes of them, just for a change from the usual. I should have enough spare horses for 2 boxes. May look into possibility of converting a box into Brunswick Uhlans, just to make use of these excellent troopers.

Re: Collecting money

As for the Austrian Uhlans, as far as I remember there were only four regiments (although with up to six to eight squadrons) but they were mostly deployed in the Italian theatre of war. The Schwarzenberg Uhlans saw action at Aspern and Wagram, Hanau and La Rothiere). I couldn't find much about the others. Merveldt and Carl-Ludwig Uhlans were with Bellegarde in Italy and one or both may have fought at the battle of the Mincio River in 1814, but I'm not an expert in the 1814 campaign or the campaigns in Italy, so perhaps someone else can offer more information.

Re: Collecting money

If the majority of WSS sets do get released in this next batch, it will be a very expensive year!