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Re: Enjoy your week-end, gentlemen!

Great figures! I presume austrian uhlans!

I have nevertheless one big wish: Please don´t add the prussian horses with their shrinked heads and necks. I would like to prefer more a combination with some horses from the WSS-range which are far better in theirs anatomy.

Re: Enjoy your week-end, gentlemen!

You are so humble... :slightly_smiling_face:

It's not only about the shrunken heads and necks. I'd ask for the correct horse harness and bridle (same for the French Guard Chasseurs, of course; look at what Revell was able to do).

Strelets offer one static and simplistic set after the other. That's all you want? Well then ...

Re: Enjoy your week-end, gentlemen!

You are so humble... :slightly_smiling_face:

It's not only about the shrunken heads and necks. I'd ask for the correct horse harness and bridle (same for the French Guard Chasseurs, of course; look at what Revell was able to do).

Strelets offer one static and simplistic set after the other. That's all you want? Well then ...
You can please some of the people all of the time.
You can please all of the people some of the time.
Can you please all of the people all of the time ? NO.
But Mr Strelets trys to.

Re: Enjoy your week-end, gentlemen!

"Can you please all of the people all of the time ? NO.
But Mr Strelets trys to."

Yes, the oxymoron! ... :money_mouth_face:

Re: Enjoy your week-end, gentlemen!

""You can please some of the people all of the time.
You can please all of the people some of the time.
Can you please all of the people all of the time ? NO.
But Mr Strelets trys to.""

Very true, but then we are the customers, not the ones who need to keep a business going.
If you aspire to get as much correct as possible and not just settle for "that'll do", then you stand a great chance of at least pleasing most people most of the time.
As has been said before, those that care about the details will get them, those that dont... get some really great figures anyway!!!

But..,if you just do things in a hap hazard fashion, without fixing mistakes, without getting some basic accuracy, ignoring pertinent observations, then you risk alienating a good many potential customers.

And thus perhaps only end up pleasing a few, all of the time.

Re: Enjoy your week-end, gentlemen!

Didn't the lancers get equipped with pistols? A cartridge case may be useful then. It is no big problem to equip some lancers with rifles; the sparebox contains plenty of them. Only one in ten lancers would need one. With 12 lancers, I would say the maximum number of troops to carry rifles would be two .

Re: Enjoy your week-end, gentlemen!

Could indeed be the case they have pistols, as I say, im not sure of the firearm situation for them. I just noticed on these masters a cartridge box with no firearm on their person.
But yes indeed, I too can just glue some spare carbines on if need be. Got plenty from all the Hat sets that had them seperately.
If the pouch is more for pistols, i guess there will be holsters sculpted on the horse instead?

Re: Enjoy your week-end, gentlemen!


According to the 1806 regulations, an Austrian Uhlan regiment consisted of four divisions, each of which consisted of two squadrons (see below, Exercir-Reglement ..., p.3). Each squadron had 128 Gemeine (troopers) (ibid., p.10f.). Of these, 16 were armed with short carbines instead of with lances (ibid., p.5; in this instance, the carbines are called "Feuergewehr"). All lancers (or all troopers?) had a pair of pistols, and sabres, of course.

However, according to Ottenfeld, who is referring to the 1798 regulations, two complete divisions were armed with carbines, the other two with lances. Just one pistol. Didn't check whether that's correct. If so, things must have changed between 1798 and 1806(?). , p.305

Everything about the Austrian cavalry can be found in two manuals, dated 1806, the first of which primarily is concerned with unit composition and manoeuvres ...

A second manual is primarily concerned with weapons training ...

This picture shows lancers two of which are armed with carbines instead of with lances ...

The falling plume - although said to have been introduced only after the Napoleonic Wars - seems to have been used already before, as this watercolour by Johann Adam Klein proves (inscription - "Klein fecit Wien 1814 bei dem Einzug des Kaisers") ...[28553]&showtype=record#/query/0c603881-7988-4c28-9360-2014a8fe0d30

Re: Enjoy your week-end, gentlemen!

Thanks for the links and info!!
👍. Much appreciated!

Re: Enjoy your week-end, gentlemen!

As for the pistol holsters. They were hidden for the greater part below the shabraque and fur but on the Klein picture you can see the lower end of the holster protruding from under the shabraque, and the upper end of the butt from under the fur. So shabraque and fur must have been perforated.