Strelets Forum

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Re: To Strelets and Plastic Soldier Review ("PSR"), Too

Happy new year Strelets. Your forum is the only manufacturer's website I bother with nowadays. PSR is also great and offers an invaluable service.

Re: To Strelets and Plastic Soldier Review ("PSR"), Too

I already wished Strelets a Happy New Year on another thread but I assume PSR does read this forum so this is a good opertunity to say a big thank you for the invaluable service you provide. Some of my favourite projects have benifited greatly by being able to find exactly the right figure on PSR.

Best wishes for the New Year to you and Strelets.

Re: To Strelets and Plastic Soldier Review ("PSR"), Too

I already wished Strelets a Happy New Year on another thread but I assume PSR does read this forum so this is a good opertunity to say a big thank you for the invaluable service you provide. Some of my favourite projects have benifited greatly by being able to find exactly the right figure on PSR.

Best wishes for the New Year to you and Strelets.
Amen to all that!