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Revell Aussie Shooting In Air Has Home!

Even the guys at PSR could find no real use for the Revell Australian figure shooting his Thompson into the air. Just as an odd matter of chance, I've come up with the perfect place for this man! (Men-4 per set) He'd make a great Chindit! Now that Ultima Ratio has given us a set of these men, I think our long considered useless fellow would fit right in here, shooting at Japanese snipers hidden in trees. A well known tactic of the Japanese. its better then shooting at paras or planes?

Re: Revell Aussie Shooting In Air Has Home!

Thats a great idea.

I used some of them as the basis for some conversions, the Yhompson is well done and the bush hat works for civilians.

Mike Bunkermeister Creek
Bunker Talk blog

Re: Revell Aussie Shooting In Air Has Home!

Could be used with a torsoswap as well with a prone mini.