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Re: Pickett's Charge 2

Wow, I am surprised and impressed of your new presented figures. They are wonderful. They will offering us many possibilities for our armies and diorama-projects. I adore your outstanding creativity to combine scenes and events with standard postures.

All these different figures with their different actions or movements will they really included in only one set? And still a more urgent question: Will they already included in your next delivery of the 14 sets before Christmas?

Re: Pickett's Charge 2


we have to apologize here for our mistake - 5 last images shall belong to set no.156.

Please be guided accordingly.

Best regards,


Re: Pickett's Charge 2


we have to apologize here for our mistake - 5 last images shall belong to set no.156.

Please be guided accordingly.

Best regards,


Good, since I intend to buy many boxes of each.

Re: Pickett's Charge 2

Very dramatic poses which justifies the title of the set, you have what looks like Armistead, great figure, and Lee, Pickett and perhaps Longstreet, though I'd prefer them mounted but as everyone knows they are available mounted in another Strelets set.

The rushing drummer is a favorite, the soldier throwing up his arms, perhaps a casualty or surrendering? And a photographer perhaps documenting the aftermath of battle (Timothy O Sullivan or Alexander Gardner but looks like Gardner), need I go on, the best ACW set from Strelets thus far. The number of poses suggest this will be a more expensive box but well worth it.

Re: Pickett's Charge 2

If I may suggest, since the sets focus on Pickett and the Confederates, shouldn't we also have a set dedicated to the Union side of the battle? A mounted figure of Hancock, perhaps depicted as he is wounded? I know he is present in the General staff set, but it's rare nowadays and an improvement would be nice. Meade was missing in the mounted set so having him would also be great.

Union troops clubbing and bayoneting at the angle would make up the rest, call the set "Union troops at the angle" or something like that. Ideally I'd also like a "dying Armistead" scene with Armistead lying on the ground with the Union aide next to him like this:

Also in my previous post I meant the photographer figure looked like Brady not Gardner!

Re: Pickett's Charge 2

Fantastic figures as always going to have to get myself a couple of boxes as soon as they are released . any zouaves planned Strelets ?

Re: Pickett's Charge 2

Dear Alex,

we've done zouaves already for the Crimean war. Would ACW zouaves be somehow different to those ones ?



Re: Pickett's Charge 2

The French Zouaves set for the Crimean War has some really neat close quarter figures, with soldiers stabbing and clubbing, wish we'd see that in the new ACW ets. The Zouaves at the angle during Pickett's charge had kepis I believe so any previous zouaves won't work.

Re: Pickett's Charge 2

As traveller says some zouaves wore the Kepi others wore exactly the same uniforms as their French counterparts . The officers in the French set are unsuitable for the ACW and the rank and file are done in the older Strelets style . It would be lovely to see the zouaves done in the same style as the us infantry in attack . thanks for the swift reply strelets and keep up the fantastic work , loving the First World War and Russian Civil war figures

Re: Pickett's Charge 2

Zouaves in 1/72 plastic is a sad story, HäT released figures without catridge boxes, scabbards and haversacks, in addition to that they were very small, and had an incorrect backpack. Emhar had French zouaves but still lacking and oversized. Strelets zouaves were done in the old style, good poses though.

Italeri had a few in their sets, nice figures but not many poses, also the italeri style is rather cartoonish IMO. 20mm Metal ranges like RSM95 have one nice pose of a marching zouave but sadly no more.

As Alex points out the officers in these sets aren't really appropriate for the ACW. What's more, one need different headgear for different Zouave units, turbans, fez, straw hats and more importantly the kepi (perhaps even one with havelock for early ACW). Ideally a set with separate heads or hats, and one with all correct equipment.

Re: Pickett's Charge 2

An absolutely amazing likeness of General Lee.Kudos to your sculptor.
I am busily collecting the ACW sets that have already been released and am anticipating those to come,all I need now is time (slim chance of that!).

Re: Pickett's Charge 2

The Lee figure is spectacular! He & the casualties make the whole set worthwhile! However, I am a bit unhappy with this new style of figures Strelets is making. The advancing figs, I'll give you as they seem realistic, but these poses with rifles slightly forward may be OK for Napoleonics, but for this particular engagement, not so much! By this time, the Confederate troops had been ravaged by long range artillery & by now, are getting raked by canister & rifle fire. All they wanted was to get to the wall. Such uniform looking figures are not very accurate for the desperate battle that was going on by this time! It would be like putting poses like this in WW1 uniforms & having them charge across No Man's Land! These guys might be good for The Peach Orchard, Devil's Den or Little Round Top, but not Pickett's Charge! The cameraman is interesting & a Pickett figure is also good, but to what purpose does the casual drummer serve? Figures for Armistead, Kemper & Garnet would have been nice too.

Re: Pickett's Charge 2

The Lee figure is spectacular! He & the casualties make the whole set worthwhile! However, I am a bit unhappy with this new style of figures Strelets is making. The advancing figs, I'll give you as they seem realistic, but these poses with rifles slightly forward may be OK for Napoleonics, but for this particular engagement, not so much! By this time, the Confederate troops had been ravaged by long range artillery & by now, are getting raked by canister & rifle fire. All they wanted was to get to the wall. Such uniform looking figures are not very accurate for the desperate battle that was going on by this time! It would be like putting poses like this in WW1 uniforms & having them charge across No Man's Land! These guys might be good for The Peach Orchard, Devil's Den or Little Round Top, but not Pickett's Charge! The cameraman is interesting & a Pickett figure is also good, but to what purpose does the casual drummer serve? Figures for Armistead, Kemper & Garnet would have been nice too.

The casual drummer is intended for the Confederates standing set, so is the photographer I assume. I agree about the poses though, would have been better with running or at least have the rifles in the levelled "charge bayonets" pose. According to a PSR review one source suggests that the rebels held their rifles at port arms during the charge, muskets held across the chest, this would also have been a good choice.