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which is the best 1/72 stretcher party

First two were German ww1 and German ww2 Airfix.What are the other sets .

Re: which is the best 1/72 stretcher party

I especially like the Strelets Napoleonic Polish Infantry and Crimean French. Each has a variety of realistic poses.

Re: Re: which is the best 1/72 stretcher party

That reminds me there was a resin US Infantry stretcher party that came ready painted with red cross on armband.Anyone recall these.the think i liked about them was they looked like they were hurrying and not as wooden as the airfix ww2 ones.

Forces of Valor

has a pretty good WWII US stretcher team.

Re: Forces of Valor

Yes, I have that set. The British Paratroops, and the other American set are quite good too. I'm hoping they put out more stuff in the future.

Re: which is the best 1/72 stretcher party

The best is the Airfix WW2 British one,the only stretcher party with different figures for the front and rear.

Re: Re: which is the best 1/72 stretcher party

You are forgetting the Esci WW2 French. My personal favourite, and with the option of an empty stretcher.

Re: which is the best 1/72 stretcher party

Theres a few on plasticrush here...

I think the Strelets french CW light infantry stretcher is best...


Re: Re: which is the best 1/72 stretcher party

Dear Hank & other contributors

I don't think there is one they all seem to be carrying lightweight casualties and sauntering. AB figures show what could be achieved:

if the pics don't show, work to them through the web site.

I have a RAMC manual about 1900 and a stretcher party can be up to 6 soldiers. Usually it is 4 bearers per stretcher. Unless the chap was in the featherweight class it would be quite a strain for any distance for two bearers. 4 also means the back two have less chance of tripping over as they can see where they are going. Most of the existing sets look like they are at a field hospital transferring the patients between tents (nothing wrong with that). Like muskets, stretchers had slings (my favourite topic) which made repeated carrying more tolerable.
I would also go with Strelets 0024 if needs must then three bearers are better than two and they look as if they are carrying a chap who is in pain.
BTW the Airfix RAF emergency set in hard plastic has a medical officer and two stretcher bearers and a pilot on a stretcher. For its age they are very nice figures.


Re: Re: Re: which is the best 1/72 stretcher party

Thanks guys some great responses.I have always been jealous of the mini drama sets in teh bigger scales like the 54mm us combat stretcher team(in plastic) that even had an intravenus for the stretcher.They worked well(deep olive color ready painted like brittains think they had moving arms) with airfix us marines and japanese in same scale.

back to 1/72 be good to see an sioux/trailing horse drawn stretcher,altho very easy to make from a sprue . some LATE C19TH figures in a guerney(stretcher with wheels to go into teh operating tent etc)Wheelchair/bathchair would be ethically correct.
David what were the roles of those 6 stretcher party.Eg Corporal(L/Cpl) bandage man ,cover man, 2 carriers,1 paperwork/dog tags morphine administer man?
i guess they wore band badges also as red cross.

Of course a mule ambulance french zouaves and turks had are little project for conversions.Also hat convert camel ambulance

Hank - RAMC stretcher party

Dear Hank
This was pre WWI (1908) but a step on from the Boer War.
Of the six (the squad), one had to be a Royal Army Medical Corps man. He was No 4 and in charge of the others in the squad who could be specially detailed or enlisted. They were all privates. The No 4 carried the surgical haversack. There were 6 stretcher squads and these were under the command of an officer (usually RAMC). The officer (sergeant 2ic) would indicate what to do with the casualties; carry by hand seat, piggy back, fireman's lift or stretcher (or splint them up and say hop to the ambulance). An order could be "3rd squad No 1 Fireman's lift". The British Army loved the drill by numbers. They also had to deal with cavalry casualties so one member had to steady and look after the horse.
I have a little leaflet of WWII "First Aid for the Fighting Man" 1943 and by then much of the primary first aid was expected to be done by the ordinary soldier - corporals and sergeants. It says "IN WAR, a wounded man may be hours or days before he gets to a surgeon." In reality it was much better than that in the ETO. "That cold interval between getting hit and getting help." I should think most soldiers now know their A B C - airway, breathing, circulation drill Frightening to think they didn't a hundred years ago as they waited for a stretcher party.


Streletes Polish Infantry and French Engineers

I like the four-man teem holding the casulty up high

Does the fireman's carry count

Forces of valor did this quite well with their Modern US Army. ESCI's ACW Confederate did one. I'm not sure who else.

Special metion goes to the ESCI ACW Union set where two guys carry one wonded man without the aid of a stretcher. This would be my second favorite stretcher team

Re: Does the fireman's carry count

Airfix French infantry have a fireman's lift. We jsut don't talk about that set much.

Re: which is the best 1/72 stretcher party

The strelets set The army of Henry V has two men supporting a man using some sort of early gun under the stricken man to hold him up, not an actual stretcher but it does the trick, and it's a lovely piece.

Re: which is the best 1/72 stretcher party

My favorite is actually Airfix's WW1 German. I always thought they looked the best both in detail & overall appearance.

Cheers to Airfix for all their stretcher teams & casualties!

Re: Re: which is the best 1/72 stretcher party

CW Russian Grenadiers have an unusal casualty handling teh set of 3 figures.

Re: Re: Re: which is the best 1/72 stretcher party

I'd like to applaud S*R for producing stretcher bearers in the Crimean Russian and French sets. I like both very much.

I also applaud them for including a casualty pose in the various Cavalry and Infantry sets. I like the diversity of each and evey one. S*R's consistent variety will always endear them to me just like the Airfix sets always have - Classics in their own time.

I only wish - - - I had more free time to enjoy them all!

Re: Re: Re: Re: which is the best 1/72 stretcher party

Hi Garrison, Spot on. Its teh classical artistic formula with many little pictures making up the big picture composition.Every major war painting/sculpyure has theses factors.Added impact.casualties add drama and depth to the figure set.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: which is the best 1/72 stretcher party

Hi Guns!

S*R has certainly made it's place in 1/72 Soft Plastic history. And I do love the Roman Mini sets, however, some of the poses could be combined with others Mini sets, such as ...

Romans Before Battle + Romans After Battle + Romans on the March + Romans on Guard at the Mile Fort Walls ...

This could free them up to do other themes. I like the Mini Themes so far, but I see some "over-kill" in similar poses ...

... And would like to see them move on more quickly to other Eras.

I must admit, in criticism, I was dumbfounded to see the latest set of Napoleonic French Marching. Oh, man, how many of these can one generation afford?

I suppose I'm wrong, but I have been saving my Salary for more of S*R's super original sets that ... "Fill the gaps other companies have left behind." For example, I'm looking forward to buying the upcoming French Cavalry - a favorite of mine. And of course the Turk Infantry, but I've O'D'ed on Highlanders already.

Just my feeling. No big deal. Don't pound me, dude! I'll always be a big fan here. I support S*R and only hope something I say will make a difference.

Cheers, Mates All - Have a Super Weekend!

Re: which is the best 1/72 stretcher party

The best stretcher party is always one with an empty stretcher.

A party is six with two taking a break, then pulling from the front then pushing from behind (the most arduous), each time positions are changed you also change sides to rest the other hand.

On exercise a full jerry-can or two sandbags are used as a casualty, also the origin of the log-race is to be found in stretcher-bearing.

Re: Re: which is the best 1/72 stretcher party

If some needed stretcher they have to wait until battlE over , it is no time for emotional peopel.
corpsman only patch up, he focus on lesser injured to get back into fight quickest. walking wounded can still be utilsed for help with ammo.