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1:72 Rush-in Roulette marketing skills ?

Strelets UK-rain-again operations sure is mysterious at times.

Sorry I meant David Hennan & Strelets best sellers on Hannants

I often look at Hannants site to veiw the latest arrivals. Usually they are they first to get the latest Strelets sets.
Among the best sellers for this and last week are the new 'mini'Roman sets.
Hopefully this means that Stelets can make a good prfit at last; maybe they will invest in many other 'mini' sets for Crimean and Colonial periods.
e.g. a British square proceeding laboriously toward Abu Kea.
Heres hoping

Re: Sorry I meant David Hennen

Its my alful spelon

Re: Re: Sorry I meant David Hennen

Hello, hello Murat!

No worries, you can call me Dave, David, Scott (my middle name) or Luke Warmwater. I'm sure it is no secret who I am on the forums over these exciting first few years.

I like to use Harfield's sellers site to see the latest releases because they get sets 3 months before the U.S., and they almost always take the figures out of the boxes and de-sprew and set them up so we can actually see the finished product. But now that I'm living back in the the U.S., I'm afraid I have to use American mail order suppliers to actually buy them.

I wish I could oblige you and invest in a new company, but true experience, I lost $1,500.00 USD being scammed by the "Gulliver" boys. Remember the one set of American Civil War Confederate Cavalry? (below):

I was told they were looking for financing the second set of Ancient Elephants, but then one of the partners ran off with all the money, then never heard another word from them. Oh well, money for me - "hard come; easy go!"

I know we are joking here and honestly, my disappointment below was only meant that I still want the sets mentioned, but never disappointed in the efforts or results of the Strelets*R Team. This is a great company; these are great guys. But I've learned the best way I can support any company is by buying their figurines on the open market. And also by telling them which ones I want to buy. But it ain't my initial investment and I certainly respect their hard work and faith in me supporting them.

You know, "Sometimes people can be a little strange, but I like our kind of strange!" P.S. I'll go back to using "Dave." I hope this one of my many personalities has the best reputation! :-)

Happy Collecting, and don't forget to finish your Roman diorama! Cheers Mate