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Re: Dear Strelets - Another Suggestion

...and why not 7 Years War or F&I War or maybe Jacobite Rebellions or Mexican Revolution, maybe Russian Civil War. So many great subjects that could really be your cup of tea...

Re: Re: Dear Strelets - Another Suggestion

If Strelets strays into the WWII field I would suggest a couple of leaders and personalities sets rather than more Russian or German infantry.

I already have loads of winter Russians and Late war Germans; I want a Zhukov and a Kesselring to command them!

Re: Dear Strelets - A Suggestion

WW2 Soviet partisans would indeed be welcome, and if there were a set available I'd certainly buy more than one set and try raising a brigade for wargames with the boys! The only partisans I have seen were some French ones by Caesar miniatures. I hope that you will include some women partisans in the set, since us women can fight too, especially since it's for our husbands, homes and children!


Re: Re: Dear Strelets - A Suggestion

Dear Erika,

to the best of our knowledge Pegasus are going to make such a set. We are confident that it's going to be a good one too.


Re: Re: Re: Dear Strelets - A Suggestion

Thank you for telling me about the Pegasus figures. I'll look for them online, though I have already read some less than encouraging words about Pegasus and the kind of plastic they use. I'll take a look anyway.

I'd still like to see yours on the shelves because well, I like yours. They're a little bigger than others, a little "chunkier" I've read them described, but the details come out better on yours, bigger, more pronounced, easier to paint than on some others I've seen.

When I paint, I prime my figures in black, then drybrush white all over them, then color with ink or thin paint, then go back to black for metal parts, before painting in metal. I've learned that from an article written by Will Scarvie on the net, and it works. If you like I can sent a picture of my first 12 Crimean War British line infantry and the first of my medieval Russian horsemen.

But anyway, your figures make it so easy for me to paint this way, and well... you've spoiled me!

All the best to you,
