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Munchkin Land

Every since I was a child I enjoyed watching the movie the Wizard of Oz. I later read a couple of the books and sadly found them to be rather meh. Still, I like the idea of a wider Oz with other groups of people living there. So I decided to create my own Wizard of Oz wargame set up, starting with Munchkins.

The Lollypop Guild requires extra large lollypops so at Hobby Lobby recently I found some that seemed perfect. I am also using 1/100 plastic figures as Munchkins. Right now I am mostly at the gathering stuff phase but I have come along pretty far with that aspect of the project.

I have buildings, a castle, and flying monkeys and Munchkins, as well as Winky Guards. Thats the official name of the guard for the Wicket Witch of the West's Castle. Strelets and Zvezda figures will fill in for those and for Santa Claus North Pole Guards also, though in different paint schemes.

Here is my start with lollypops.

Mike Bunkermeister Creek
Bunker Talk blog