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Re: Third day the flight is normal

Gosh Yuri, the sets just keep on coming! Amazing and marvellous.

I can understand some disappointment at the figures compared with the masters, but they look to me like the kind that will come to life once undercoated and the fine detail will shine through for painting.

Regards, James

Re: Third day the flight is normal

Another great set that I will certainly purchase.

Thanks for these! They will go well with your Early WWII US Army figures.

Mike Bunkermeister Creek
Bunker Talk blog

Re: Third day the flight is normal

Dear Mike,

they were supposed to be antagonists to M159 set and released simultaneously but God decided otherwise.
However, that's well, that ends well.

Best regards,


Re: Third day the flight is normal

It just keeps getting better and better. We’ve been truly blessed with previews recently. Thank you as always for the work you put in Strelets. And I honestly think that these look pretty great compared to the masters. This will be a super useful set regardless. My painting queue is growing rather large once more, and I still haven’t even been able to acquire the Seminole War sets. They’ve been sold out where I typically buy my figures.

Strelets is in full swing, HaT has started producing new sets once more, Linear A is active as always (though I’m not sold on the switch to 3D printing), ultima ratio just released a new set of Romans… what a time it is to be a 1/72 collector!

Re: Third day the flight is normal

Well done Strelets!!! I'll buy some boxes for sure!!!!

Re: Third day the flight is normal

Again, another beautiful set. Are we entering a second second (or would it be third :wink: ) "Golden Age" of collecting. Anyway, thanks for making my second (maybe third) childhood fun.