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Christmas Carol

from Strelets team to those of you celebrating Christmas Eve today.

Merry Christmas to all of you!


Re: Christmas Carol

Thanks Strelets , and to you and all my fellow forum peeps.

Re: Christmas Carol

Merry Christmas to you, all the forum members, and what I can only assume is a Dutchmen right there. Thanks for a year full of new sets and surprises. We are all incredibly grateful!

Re: Christmas Carol

Thank you - and back at you.

And "God bless us - every one!" - Tiny Tim

Re: Christmas Carol

To The Strelets Team as a whole and individually,

Thank you my "Year-Round Santas". :santa: You keep my childhood enthusiasm alive and healthy as ever. I never want to grow up but can only hope I've matured into a good and kind citizen of the world. Further I hope, wish, pray and chant (yes all of them) for peace on earth and especially in Ukraine! "VIP for Ukraine" - Victory, Independence & Peace :peace_symbol:

With gratitude and appreciation - GC :wink:

Re: Christmas Carol

May we finally get Peace on Earth and good will towards men.


Re: Christmas Carol

Buon Natale a tutti e allo staff tutto di strelets ....

Re: Christmas Carol

Nadolig Llawen Strelets! Thanks for another year of keeping our hobby alive with your continued wonderful works!

Re: Christmas Carol

This is a great post with valuable insights! For students looking to ease the stress of academic assignments, I recommend exploring coursework help services. They offer expert guidance to help you excel in your coursework efficiently.

Re: Christmas Carol

Un sincero augurio a tutti voi che possa essere un felice e lieto Natale.

Re: Christmas Carol

Merry Christmas and Thank you for all you do for our happiness Strelets team!

Wishing you Peace, Health and Happiness!

Re: Christmas Carol

Bon Nadal i Feliç Any Nou, desde Catalunya, i que la PAU arribí a tot el món