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Friday March

Carry on marching.

Have a nice week-end!
Best regards,


Re: Friday March

Looking grand. We are on a bit of a theme here, aren't we?! It looks to me like the correction to the pack straps has been made too.

It is sensational to see you marching on with such quality and, while yet more British, light infantry are lacking in this scale.

Kind regards, James

Re: Friday March

Nice to see more British light infantry for Waterloo(and eventually Spain). I fear that the French have been outnumbered even more now than back in 1815 with all these allied sets(British, Prussians, Brunswick, Bavarians for 1814) of the past few years. They too need reïnforcements of correctly attired fusiliers, grenadiers and voltigeurs in the Bardin-uniform. Which brings me to the observation that there are few sets dressed like that in plastic. HAT's set from the 90's and Waterloo's sets of fusiliers and voltigeurs are basically the only decent, if flawed out of the mould, sets on the market. The French really can do with firing line, square and attack sets for the final battle, since most of the plastic, 3D print and metal sets seem to focus exclusively on the middle period, say upto 1812.
Hoping for peace in the Ukraine and the rest of the world I wish all contributors to this forum the best possible Christmas and a safe and pleasant 2025.

Re: Friday March

Thomas...what do you think about the Aitaleri ones, the french infantry?

Re: Friday March

These are great, keep it up Strelets!

Re: Friday March

If you mean the old set, it was beautifully sculpted, however the uniform and kit were off the mark. The latter set was oversized, compared to their and Esci's earlier sets and poorly sculpted with firing poses looking in another direction than their muskets were aiming at. I used to have them all, but have since discarded most of the poses.

Re: Friday March

Thank you very much Thomas, so Strelets must create new french ranks before I die!!!!

Re: Friday March

Yes please!!!!