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Re: New Campaigns

Good morning!
My preferences in chronological order
Spanish War of Succession; Bourbon sappers, Bourbon siege artillery, Catalan miquelets

General Persing's expedition
US infantry and cavalry,
Pancho Villa's Mexican irregulars, General Huerta's infantry and artillery

Battle of Adua
Italian infantry

Russian-Japanese War
Japanese infantry in winter uniform
and Russian infantry in winter uniform

World War I,
Turkish infantry at Gallipoli and Turkish assault troops,
British infantry at Gallipoli

Rif War
Spanish infantry
(Annual disaster)

World War II
Australian Chindits at Kokoda
and Gurkas on Italian front
Yugoslav partisans, Philippine Guerrillas

Korean War,
Commonwealth infantry and Chinese infantry in winter uniform

Indochina War
French paratroopers
troops Algerians
and viet minh

African Wars
Katanga, Congo, Rhodesia

Josepmaria Claravalls

Re: New Campaigns

As some have recommended the Spanish-American War, I also would like to buy the American figures to use in the:

* 55 Days at Peking
* Boxer Rebellion

One theme can satisfy two Periods of Conflict.

Thank you! - GC