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Re: New Campaigns

Well, as you asked;

I’d like to see more 17th Century conflicts covered.

Thirty Years War
English Civil War
Wars of Eastern Europe
Very niche, but I’d love to see the Sedgemoor campaign of 1685… Royal forces and Rebels.
This could be done as an adjunct to a Wars of the Meague if Augsburg which I’d love to see. Only a few years before the WSS but very different!

Back in my box now, thank you

Re: New Campaigns

LEAGUE of Augsburg! Not ‘Meague’!🤦🏻

Re: New Campaigns

Hi Asher
You make some good points. When I posted the other day it was the first time in several years that I had. I couldn't even remember what name I posted under.

I am one of those disinterested in anything post 1815, but don't disregard others interests. I may look, but don't touch.

There is lots of scope to expand USA and Canadian sets for the war of 1812, and a host still for untouched Napoleonics, such as Italian and Polish horse Artillery, Austrian Hussars, Danish infantry and Dragoons, both Austrian Landwher and later French National Guard in semi civilian costumes (worn by the majority), Hungarian Insurrectio. Add on to these extra firing line etc for mainstream forces and our Host will be busy for years.

Personally I would like to see Indian sepoys, Mahratta Indians, and Haitian rebels, but not holding my breath for those. Still, I have lots to be going on with in the interim.

Re: New Campaigns

It’s definitely could to hear from you Dannym and Arlin. I would also be interested in many of the sets you both mentioned, but I must say I respect Dannym’s discipline to not get involved with anything post 1815. I like to set my limits from 1700-1945. My interests are always shifting depending on a current book I’m reading, movie/documentary I just watched… not long ago I listened to a fantastic series of podcast episodes on the Haitian Revolution and thought what awesome figures could be made of this. Military history is just too fascinating to not want to model it all. But alas, my wallet says otherwise.

Thank you for your insight as well Strelets. Learning about the business aspect of the hobby itself is also very interesting in my opinion. In terms of the “bread and butter” I completely understand. I forced myself to get into Napoleonics a couple years back just because of its popularity in the hobby, and all the new sets you were constantly producing for it. I did not want to be left out! And now these years later I completely understand the Napoleonic addiction. I started collecting WW2 not along ago for the same reason, although I told myself I’d limit my focus to just the Eastern and Balkan fronts to keep my spending in check (and early war pacific). All in all I’m always happy to see the bread and better and I’m always happy to see the random surprises as well.

Re: New Campaigns

I am another of the readers but not contributors of this forum, but I love the topic of new areas of expanding the range of figures so I’ll add my two cents. My painting range is ACW to pre WWII and as such would love to see more WWI, especially Balkan armies and provincial versions of the French. Even an Annemese set of WWI troops. But I would really love to see the RIF range added to with Spanish troops from the 1920s and see that expand into the Spanish Civil War. Soooo much room for sets and only some Bum figures or Minairons white metal.

Re: New Campaigns

Bob:Annamese (Vietnamese for WW1) just saw a photo - what a great suggestion 👏. I also support suggestion re Spanish troops re RIF war - we only have the Arabs from Strelets. Spanish Civil War is another superb idea. Someone in the thread referred to Haitans Revolt and Danes re Napoleonics. I add Neapolitan troops and set of the Emigres. The Revolutionary wars just before the Napoleonic remain uncovered. Just dreams that may be one day become true.

Re: New Campaigns

I’m one of those lurkers who’s been around for years but very rarely contributes. I would just be happy to see units from Waterloo completed like KGL light infantry, Dutch -Belgian Carabiners and Jäger/legere etc

Re: New Campaigns

I love and collect all periods and I'm very excited about all the suggestions above. However I feel that one of the most neglected areas of the hobby is the post 1945 era although Orion have recently brought forth a number of great Vietnam era sets. Some of these may not be commercially viable or could be controversial but I hope that one day Strelets produce some sets for :

Korean War (Commonwealth Troops, USMC and Chinese in winter clothing)
Indochina (French Foreign Legion, Paras, Vietminh, heavy weapons)
Middle East Wars Yom Kippur, Iran / Iraq War (Israelis, Egyptians, Syrians, Iranians, Iraqis)
African Wars in Angola, Rhodesia, Biafra, Congo, etc (African revolutionary armies, South Africans, Cubans, Sealous Scouts, Portuguese, Rhodesians, Biafra, Mercenaries, etc)
Falkland Islands (Argentinians, SAS)
Latin America (Contras, Sandinistas)
Afghanistan (1980s Soviets in winter clothing)
WW3 (1980s British, American and Soviets in NBC clothing)

Perhaps a generic set of "African Revolutionaries" like what Caesar did in the past could work. Or a generic set for the 1950s /1960s with older weapons and then a more modern set for the 1980s? Something similar could be done with a generic "Middle Eastern Arab Army" which could serve for Egypt, Syria, or Iraq.

Maybe one day...

Re: New Campaigns

I love and collect all periods and I'm very excited about all the suggestions above. However I feel that one of the most neglected areas of the hobby is the post 1945 era although Orion have recently brought forth a number of great Vietnam era sets. Some of these may not be commercially viable or could be controversial but I hope that one day Strelets produce some sets for :

Korean War (Commonwealth Troops, USMC and Chinese in winter clothing)
Indochina (French Foreign Legion, Paras, Vietminh, heavy weapons)
Middle East Wars Yom Kippur, Iran / Iraq War (Israelis, Egyptians, Syrians, Iranians, Iraqis)
African Wars in Angola, Rhodesia, Biafra, Congo, etc (African revolutionary armies, South Africans, Cubans, Sealous Scouts, Portuguese, Rhodesians, Biafra, Mercenaries, etc)
Falkland Islands (Argentinians, SAS)
Latin America (Contras, Sandinistas)
Afghanistan (1980s Soviets in winter clothing)
WW3 (1980s British, American and Soviets in NBC clothing)

Perhaps a generic set of "African Revolutionaries" like what Caesar did in the past could work. Or a generic set for the 1950s /1960s with older weapons and then a more modern set for the 1980s? Something similar could be done with a generic "Middle Eastern Arab Army" which could serve for Egypt, Syria, or Iraq.

Maybe one day...
Falklands yes please, King and country are doing or starting a range, way too big and expensive for me , but 1/72 I will rip your arm off.

Re: New Campaigns

Good morning!
My preferences in chronological order
Spanish War of Succession; Bourbon sappers, Bourbon siege artillery, Catalan miquelets

General Persing's expedition
US infantry and cavalry,
Pancho Villa's Mexican irregulars, General Huerta's infantry and artillery

Battle of Adua
Italian infantry

Russian-Japanese War
Japanese infantry in winter uniform
and Russian infantry in winter uniform

World War I,
Turkish infantry at Gallipoli and Turkish assault troops,
British infantry at Gallipoli

Rif War
Spanish infantry
(Annual disaster)

World War II
Australian Chindits at Kokoda
and Gurkas on Italian front
Yugoslav partisans, Philippine Guerrillas

Korean War,
Commonwealth infantry and Chinese infantry in winter uniform

Indochina War
French paratroopers
troops Algerians
and viet minh

African Wars
Katanga, Congo, Rhodesia

Josepmaria Claravalls

Re: New Campaigns

As some have recommended the Spanish-American War, I also would like to buy the American figures to use in the:

* 55 Days at Peking
* Boxer Rebellion

One theme can satisfy two Periods of Conflict.

Thank you! - GC