Welcome to the Strelets Forum. Please feel free to discuss any aspect of 1/72 scale plastic figures, not simply Strelets. If you have any questions about our products then we will answer them here.
I have a bottle and really like it, but wondering what your outcome has been with the more flexible plastic(s) normally used on toy soldiers. I've been having fits finally putting together some 1/32 scale 7YW figures I bought some years ago - getting a good fix on the parts. I've managed to get them together and primed, but still not confident in their sturdiness - always looking for a better solution.
So far the new glue seems to be working well on soft plastic figures, but I do pin them as well for extra strength. I use #8 guitar string as the wire, it is strong, very thin and very strong.
Together I have had good results with figure conversions, mostly head swaps.
I discovered this superglue some months ago, and will not buy anything but this one in the future, seems to glue everything I use it on, but the real advantage is it keeps, ie does not dry out, or go solid in the tube like every other super glue I have used, well done Loctite you got this right.