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Hot Dog Dragster

Hot Dog Dragster die cast car.

Mike Bunkermeister Creek
Bunker Talk blog

Crushed Cars

Monster Truck Crushed Cars

Mike Bunkermeister Creek
Bunker Talk blog

Re: Crushed Cars

I have a bottle and really like it, but wondering what your outcome has been with the more flexible plastic(s) normally used on toy soldiers. I've been having fits finally putting together some 1/32 scale 7YW figures I bought some years ago - getting a good fix on the parts. I've managed to get them together and primed, but still not confident in their sturdiness - always looking for a better solution.

BTW: love your site.

Re: Crushed Cars

So far the new glue seems to be working well on soft plastic figures, but I do pin them as well for extra strength. I use #8 guitar string as the wire, it is strong, very thin and very strong.

Together I have had good results with figure conversions, mostly head swaps.

Thanks for reading WW.


Crushed Cars in Context

Crushed cars in action. Sort of.

Mike Bunkermeister Creek
Bunker Talk blog

Re: Crushed Cars

Thanks for the answer and tip.

Re: Crushed Cars

I discovered this superglue some months ago, and will not buy anything but this one in the future, seems to glue everything I use it on, but the real advantage is it keeps, ie does not dry out, or go solid in the tube like every other super glue I have used, well done Loctite you got this right.

Re: Crushed Cars

Thanks Alan. Two trusted sources, it's a lock for me.

Skateboard Riders

Testing skateboarding poses for the skateboard park.

Mike Bunkermeister Creek
Bunker Talk blog

WWI Army Truck

1918 US Army Truck, about HO scale.

Mike Bunkermeister Creek
Bunker Talk blog

US Army Water Truck

US Army Water Tanker Truck, WWI to 1938.

Mike Bunkermeister Creek
Bunker Talk blog