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Given that there’s no real options for Austrian-Prussian War miniatures in 1/72 I actually quite like that idea Rupert. You could use Napoleonic armies to fight a slew of wars: Franco Prussian, Franco Austrian, Schleswig… it’s a cool concept I think.
Thanks Asher. Options in 1/72 for those conflicts are pretty limited as you say especially for cavalry and artillery. If I did not already have far too much on my shelf of shame I would fancy a go at converting Napoleonic and WW1 figures. I did see some great 1/72 metal figures on facebook the other day by a guy in Italy I think - but priced appropriate to their high looking quality. Also the numbers required are pretty significant for many battles of this era with Koniggratz being only just second to Leipzig in size prior to WW1.
Wonderful to see you visiting this forum and beaut to hear that you are getting some hobby time.
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Hi James - Good to hear from you and many thanks for your help with the photos. Hopefully they will appear below.
My ACW armies were the first I ever painted and gamed with starting over 20 years or more back. Over time some great new figures were subsequently released by Strelets and HaT that I gathered up ready to mix in with my existing collection when I had a chance. Here’s some pics of those figures that I have recently finished off. Many were painted for me or bought painted off ebay whilst some I painted myself as well as doing all the basing. Originally I used the Fire & Fury rules but will be trying Black Powder soon.
What’s left to do? Well I have now pretty much cleared my accumulated backlog of ACW figures that I wanted to add to my collection. Just some HaT marching Union troops I fancied having a go at to complete. I don’t have the eye sight or patience I once did to paint straps and fine details too well. So I decided to speed paint these by starting with undercoating black > dry brushing gray > painting the jacket dark blue and thereby not needing to paint the straps as the dry brushed undercoat will suffice. In essence I found it easier to paint mainly triangles of blue jacket rather than paint black straps over blue if I had done it the other way around.