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I was wondering have you thought about producing a Boxer Rebellion line? The amount of nations that were involved could create a diverse line.
I also don’t believe there is any competition in that period for plastic. I saw only one other company and the products are never available. I think the series was stopped
Agreed! The Boxer rebellion was vastly covered by Red Box quit awhile ago. 20 sets by them + 3 more by other companies representing 10 countries. Outside of some artillery & US Sailors, I really don't see much missing? For a minor & localized conflict, 23 sets is above & beyond the call! Some larger conflicts don't have half that many sets.
You might have to do some searching, but all those sets are out there somewhere.
Bon dia,
És cert que RedBox va fer una ampla gama de figures d aquests conflicte, però, no tenen una bona definició i per exemple els. Boxers
De Orion són fantàstics, però no pas els de Red Box, La qualitat de les figures de Red Box en l actualment és molt superior, Penso el mateix de les figures de Mars y Streles , que han evolucionat en el temps i han millorat moltíssim amb la qualitat d'els seus motllos
A part de això trobo a faltar
Del conflicte de WWSS,
Artilleria de setge borbònica,
Zapadors borbònics I com català
Que sóc, Miquelets Catalans
Hi ha un altre conflicte que no ha fet cap marca, i es la guerra
D indochina,